Anyone else find it funny when...

Survivors try to accuse you of tunneling and/or camping when you never did any of the two dull activities?

And just to be clear, what is the definition of tunneling? I define it as a Killer that goes out of his way to focus on one individual survivor either out of stubborness, spite, or both and will avoid/ignore any other survivor and keep his attention directed only on that one survivor.

And now for camping. I define camping as a killer that stays within close proximity of the hook despite any regard for the gens and/or other survivors just to attempt to make sure the survivor on the hook dies. Now if the killer just hooked your teammate and you ran over there and painted the area with red scratches and got caught, that isn't camping. That's just you playing like a goober (nicest word I can think of).


  • Blaven
    Blaven Member Posts: 6

    Honestly, I've dealt with that quite a bit, but I always shrug it off as "They don't know the situation". Like, for example, I hook someone and wander away because I got that good ole Make Your Choice perk, and then I notice, oh hey, Claudette is sprinting in the direction of the hooked person, better follow. I get to them and either interrupt the unhook attempt or hit them prior to the unhook. End of game, whether I kill somebody or not, I get those kinds of messages calling me a camper and a scrub. I just clarify that they should have tried being more careful when approaching the hook, although some might take that as sarcasm.

    Simply put, Claudette didn't see me creeping up on her and from her perspective, I could've been there the whole time. They're wrong in that situation, as it was a risky play that ended badly, but I'm not going to call them out on their mistake, simply because there is no point to. They can't be aware of everything I'm doing, as I can't be aware of which gens they're working on, or what totems they're breaking. Keep your cool, move on and keep enjoying the game as you were.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Esheon said:
    Didn't you know? If you stay on the same map after hooking someone, you camped. If you stay on the same half of the map as the hook, you hard camped. If you ever hit the unhooked person again, you tunneled.

    Survivors and their attempts at protecting their egos lol

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    If you hit a survivor in a 2mins timeframe after they get unhooked, they'll call camping and tunneling, basically.
    I just usually say "Yeah, so what ? You died, that's the purpose of this game. Want easier rounds ? rank down."

  • Touken
    Touken Member Posts: 66
    Welp if you just want to be a dick and not give a survivor a chance then go ahead but if you can win a game without camping nor tunneling then you are a good killer and a good person if you cant then ur bad and need to practice more
  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @SovererignKing said:
    Touken said:

    Welp if you just want to be a dick and not give a survivor a chance then go ahead but if you can win a game without camping nor tunneling then you are a good killer and a good person if you cant then ur bad and need to practice more

    Welp, if you want to be a dick and not give the Killer a chance then go ahead and Loop. If you can win a game without Looping then you’re a good Survivor and a good person. If you can’t then your bad and need to practice LoS jukes and hiding more.

    This comeback is a Hall Of Fame Worthy one.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I might get some hate for this, but as someone who has 1,000+ hours on both killer and survivor, I say tunneling does not exist. The killers job is to chase you and kill you. Tunneling is a word made up by survivors to yell at the killer for doing their job. If survivors have a problem with it maybe they should play another game ;)

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Crazewtboy said:
    I might get some hate for this, but as someone who has 1,000+ hours on both killer and survivor, I say tunneling does not exist. The killers job is to chase you and kill you. Tunneling is a word made up by survivors to yell at the killer for doing their job. If survivors have a problem with it maybe they should play another game ;)

    I have over 2k hours and tunneling does exist. I asure you. I've pissed off plenty of killers that focused only me lol

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    In my mind I just say it's not a thing. To me that is just trying to do his job and take you out of the game. But you have your standpoint and I have mine and that is perfectly alright

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    I've been playing a little over a week now and I always get accused of one of the two. It makes me want to start camping if I'm gonna be blamed for it anyways. If I am by the hook and you unhook a survivor, I'm not gonna avoid hitting the uninjured survivor just to avoid being called a tunneler. Sorry about your bad luck, wait until I am farther away before you unhook. I noticed people just love to complain.

    I don't really understand why we are expected to play a certain way like avoiding tunneling or avoiding camping but survivors can use any cheap mechanic they want and that's perfectly fine.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @iceman2kx said:
    I've been playing a little over a week now and I always get accused of one of the two. It makes me want to start camping if I'm gonna be blamed for it anyways. If I am by the hook and you unhook a survivor, I'm not gonna avoid hitting the uninjured survivor just to avoid being called a tunneler. Sorry about your bad luck, wait until I am farther away before you unhook. I noticed people just love to complain.

    I don't really understand why we are expected to play a certain way like avoiding tunneling or avoiding camping but survivors can use any cheap mechanic they want and that's perfectly fine.

    It's because survivors are entitled double standard crybabies.

  • Touken
    Touken Member Posts: 66
    Touken said:
    Welp if you just want to be a dick and not give a survivor a chance then go ahead but if you can win a game without camping nor tunneling then you are a good killer and a good person if you cant then ur bad and need to practice more
    Welp, if you want to be a dick and not give the Killer a chance then go ahead and Loop. If you can win a game without Looping then you’re a good Survivor and a good person. If you can’t then your bad and need to practice LoS jukes and hiding more.
    Hiding huh stealth has been gone since the leatherface update and yea not all survivors are good at jucking just how some killers arent always good at killing so they camp so why do survivors loop to not get camp or tunneled oh what would you guys call chasing a survivor who just got unhooked?

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    The only thing I concider tunneling is when you chase the same person who just got unhooked when theres still 5 gens left.

    I mean theres 5 gens just change the target. Not counting perk related kills though but cant see that untill its active.

    I guess when theres only 3 or less gens left I would go for the kill aswell but I personally name my survivors stack 1, stack 2, stack 3 and stack 4 before I go for the kills.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Touken said:
    Touken said:
    Welp if you just want to be a dick and not give a survivor a chance then go ahead but if you can win a game without camping nor tunneling then you are a good killer and a good person if you cant then ur bad and need to practice more
    Welp, if you want to be a dick and not give the Killer a chance then go ahead and Loop. If you can win a game without Looping then you’re a good Survivor and a good person. If you can’t then your bad and need to practice LoS jukes and hiding more.
    Hiding huh stealth has been gone since the leatherface update and yea not all survivors are good at jucking just how some killers arent always good at killing so they camp so why do survivors loop to not get camp or tunneled oh what would you guys call chasing a survivor who just got unhooked?

    You say it’s gone because you want an excuse. It’s not gone, it’s harder to pull off, but it’s still there. If they aren’t good at jukes, that’s their own fault. Most of all when they don’t equip perks that help them juke. You’re not exactly even trying when you refuse to equip Iron Will, Quick and Quiet, Calm Spirit, ect. You’ll slap on your “Stalling Perks” meta of DS/BT/SC/SB. None of which help you hide or Juke. 

    I’ve been bored as of late myself. I bought the bright white outfit on Meg and use No Mither, We’ll Make It, Urban Evasion, and Iron Will. I still win 5/10 games, which isn’t bad. I’m at Rank 3 by the way. Survivors Loop like crazy because they are bad at being sneaky and tricky. They want the game mechanics to do all the work for them, that way they don’t have to think. They don’t have to plan preemptively and anticipate the Killer. They just run and let the game do the work for them. 

    Its called being tunneled. The Killer has every right to. You screwed up and got found and caught in the first place. It’s not fair at all, and that’s the point. It’s not supposed to be fair. It’s balanced by the fact while the Killer is busy with you, the rest of your team has free reign to do whatever the hell they want on the map. If you can’t get away, that’s your fault. Learn to lose the Killer so he has to go after someone else. If he decides to camp you out, tough luck. Sucks to be you. At least take solace in the fact your team (hopefully) used the time wisely and pounded out the gens. If they didn’t, that’s on them. 

    This is an asymmetrical game. It’s not fair, but balanced. Don’t complain it’s “not fair” when you pick the side where it’s not *supposed* to be fair.
  • Touken
    Touken Member Posts: 66
    Touken said:
    Touken said:
    Welp if you just want to be a dick and not give a survivor a chance then go ahead but if you can win a game without camping nor tunneling then you are a good killer and a good person if you cant then ur bad and need to practice more
    Welp, if you want to be a dick and not give the Killer a chance then go ahead and Loop. If you can win a game without Looping then you’re a good Survivor and a good person. If you can’t then your bad and need to practice LoS jukes and hiding more.
    Hiding huh stealth has been gone since the leatherface update and yea not all survivors are good at jucking just how some killers arent always good at killing so they camp so why do survivors loop to not get camp or tunneled oh what would you guys call chasing a survivor who just got unhooked?

    You say it’s gone because you want an excuse. It’s not gone, it’s harder to pull off, but it’s still there. If they aren’t good at jukes, that’s their own fault. Most of all when they don’t equip perks that help them juke. You’re not exactly even trying when you refuse to equip Iron Will, Quick and Quiet, Calm Spirit, ect. You’ll slap on your “Stalling Perks” meta of DS/BT/SC/SB. None of which help you hide or Juke. 

    I’ve been bored as of late myself. I bought the bright white outfit on Meg and use No Mither, We’ll Make It, Urban Evasion, and Iron Will. I still win 5/10 games, which isn’t bad. I’m at Rank 3 by the way. Survivors Loop like crazy because they are bad at being sneaky and tricky. They want the game mechanics to do all the work for them, that way they don’t have to think. They don’t have to plan preemptively and anticipate the Killer. They just run and let the game do the work for them. 

    Its called being tunneled. The Killer has every right to. You screwed up and got found and caught in the first place. It’s not fair at all, and that’s the point. It’s not supposed to be fair. It’s balanced by the fact while the Killer is busy with you, the rest of your team has free reign to do whatever the hell they want on the map. If you can’t get away, that’s your fault. Learn to lose the Killer so he has to go after someone else. If he decides to camp you out, tough luck. Sucks to be you. At least take solace in the fact your team (hopefully) used the time wisely and pounded out the gens. If they didn’t, that’s on them. 

    This is an asymmetrical game. It’s not fair, but balanced. Don’t complain it’s “not fair” when you pick the side where it’s not *supposed* to be fair.
    So your supposed to get camped almost every game making the game boring and just accept it? ######### that 
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited August 2018
    Touken said:
    Touken said:
    Touken said:
    Welp if you just want to be a dick and not give a survivor a chance then go ahead but if you can win a game without camping nor tunneling then you are a good killer and a good person if you cant then ur bad and need to practice more
    Welp, if you want to be a dick and not give the Killer a chance then go ahead and Loop. If you can win a game without Looping then you’re a good Survivor and a good person. If you can’t then your bad and need to practice LoS jukes and hiding more.
    Hiding huh stealth has been gone since the leatherface update and yea not all survivors are good at jucking just how some killers arent always good at killing so they camp so why do survivors loop to not get camp or tunneled oh what would you guys call chasing a survivor who just got unhooked?

    You say it’s gone because you want an excuse. It’s not gone, it’s harder to pull off, but it’s still there. If they aren’t good at jukes, that’s their own fault. Most of all when they don’t equip perks that help them juke. You’re not exactly even trying when you refuse to equip Iron Will, Quick and Quiet, Calm Spirit, ect. You’ll slap on your “Stalling Perks” meta of DS/BT/SC/SB. None of which help you hide or Juke. 

    I’ve been bored as of late myself. I bought the bright white outfit on Meg and use No Mither, We’ll Make It, Urban Evasion, and Iron Will. I still win 5/10 games, which isn’t bad. I’m at Rank 3 by the way. Survivors Loop like crazy because they are bad at being sneaky and tricky. They want the game mechanics to do all the work for them, that way they don’t have to think. They don’t have to plan preemptively and anticipate the Killer. They just run and let the game do the work for them. 

    Its called being tunneled. The Killer has every right to. You screwed up and got found and caught in the first place. It’s not fair at all, and that’s the point. It’s not supposed to be fair. It’s balanced by the fact while the Killer is busy with you, the rest of your team has free reign to do whatever the hell they want on the map. If you can’t get away, that’s your fault. Learn to lose the Killer so he has to go after someone else. If he decides to camp you out, tough luck. Sucks to be you. At least take solace in the fact your team (hopefully) used the time wisely and pounded out the gens. If they didn’t, that’s on them. 

    This is an asymmetrical game. It’s not fair, but balanced. Don’t complain it’s “not fair” when you pick the side where it’s not *supposed* to be fair.
    So your supposed to get camped almost every game making the game boring and just accept it? [BAD WORD] that 
    You’re not supposed to be by being smart and tricky to the point YOU DONT GET CAUGHT. If you can’t accept you lost, then you need to play a different game. What you want is the game to be fair to you. To YOU, personally. If the game was FAIR toward every singular Survivor, the game would be broken because there are *4* Survivors. At the very least you need to be smarter and more tricky than some other poor shmuck that got caught before you.

    Look, I get it. It ######### sucks, I know. I’ve been there more times than I can count. Hell, I get camped and tunneled out the ass even though I’m running No Mither. Learn from your mistakes and try again. I’m a huge fan of playing Survivor just as much as Killer. It’s like a never ending game of Dark Souls or Bloodborne for me. Using No Mither is like doing a Soul Level 1 challenge. Don’t focus so hard on the win. Learn to enjoy the experience of a loss. 
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Well no, i don't find it funny nor anything else positive.
    But i don't find it anything negative either.
    My chat's not even ever open...
    I prefer that.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Tunneling is when you complete the sacrifice objective on one survivor before others or if survivors keep repairing the same gen instead of switching