Dead By Daylight movie trilogy?
This game translates well into one of those B++ slight A list movie series. What do you guys think? Simple Saw or Hunger Games formula. Rinse and repeat. Maybe set it in the future to account for insta-heals😂 and other survivor perks. Get a huge A list cast for the first one, and then get us some B list but still okay sequels on bluray or Netflix lol
C'mon you know you want this guys
For the memes
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I think a TV series with each episode centered around a character backstory would work out better.
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Someone get Netflix on the line! We need this in our lives. I'd watch the hell out of a DbD TV series!
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The only way i see that being interesting is if we have it switch back and forth between 5 strangers, and then the last 2 or 3 episodes is them getting pulled into the entity realm and the game taking place on the last episode. A show all about 1 character wouldn't really be DbD
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I want a series that details interactions between matches, like F.r.i.e.n.d.s but with killers and survivors. Bhvr has worked with Netflix in the past, I'm sure they could make this series happen :P
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Stop that before they actually do it haha
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Was thinking along the lines of an episode showcasing the leadup and events of Rin Yamaoka's death or something, ending with her reveal as the Spirit at the end. Do afew episodes like that with "game" episodes afterwards.