I am the only killer...

I am the only killer who feels sometimes with the survivors?
In my last match as example, on springwood, I was on my way to my fourth kill and then a Blendette tryd to put a pallet down, only to come on the wrong side out after it - the side where I have stay.
This and similar matches are sometimes matches were I would like to let people - or more people go, but then I remember, that I am the killer and my objective is to kill :|
Or, what would the other survivor think, who got no mercy at all?
Please don't tell me, that I am alone with thouse thougts, guys.
I am sure, some guys here have sometimes similar toughts, or made similar experiences, or I am wrong?
Ahm... and yes... Happy new year to everyone^^!
That's just your conscience. You can ignore it and eventually will go away.
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What rank are you? I had your sympathies last week before I started meeting SWF 1-2 ranks.
You'll lose those sympathies once you experience the toxic survivor group that trolls you by intentionally triggering your traps to bait looping, body blocking, etc.
Looping is already in their favor so don’t feel bad for them sliding to the wrong side or blocking themselves out.
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I am at the moment just rank 10 because I had not play much in this month, but I know those swfs, from my time before, where I had either high ranks, or meet de-rankers on my way up.
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I only feel bad and show a little mercy when someone dcs.
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When I play alot of killer as survivor I start to not understand why I am on 3 person and where is the gens aura
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You're not alone.
But, up until now, I thought I was.
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Especially when they tbag, that's the worst thing for me.
No respect
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I wouldnt have just let her go. Maybe let her hop the pallet then chase again. But probably not. You gotta learn somehow, and ######### up is the best way.
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When i feel im going against a low rank survivoe and i got the time i usually give them a big chase.
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Stay in Greens or Yellows man. You’ll have no fun or not be able to show mercy in reds/purples 😂 it’s brutal down here.
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Teabaggers must die. I'll tunnel and camp them.
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I have no mercy for my victims.
What the heck is a teabag?
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I do it sometimes, too. The other night I was doing spooky Michael on the Game, and two survivors dc'ed as soon as they realized I was doing scratched mirror Michael. So I let the other two do the gens and leave.
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I only show mercy to the killer by not abusing god loops and I've decided not to use ds unless I'm being tunneled.
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I tend to sympathize a bit more with Jack when I hear him crying haha (and also haven't encountered any toxic Jack).
I have no mercy for Claudette cause most of them are just hiding and doing nothing (many times I find them thanks to the crows above their head).
Other than that, knowing the matchmaking is fkd atm, if I suspect someone is quite new to the game, I give them an easier time.
And sometimes I let the last one have the hatch if they haven't annoyed me.
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Mhm, yes I could let her the hatch.
But I am happy to hear, that I am not alone with those thoughts <3.
Btw. the Blendette was not afk, but she had bring her name honor and was constanly moving (crouching I guess) around the map and just doing gens :).
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If a survivor isn't toxic in the final moments, I usually down them, then carry them off to a hatch, or let them escape to a door. But, if a survivor acts toxic, or sits on a hatch as a teammate dies on hook, you can bet they're going to a hook for that. I've also had moments where a survivor messes up on a pallet and ends up back beside me. I never attack them at that point, and let them get away since it would be a little unfair for them. I like to keep my matches nice and fair. However, I have seen other survivors pull the exact same trick on me against a killer. I had a Claudette who REALLY wanted a hatch escape, to jump from behind a rock at a pallet and block me, so the pallet drop forced me backwards to the killer. The killer must of felt bad for me and just hunted down the Claudette and let me go. So, I Guess most decent killers have the sympathy to let the final survivor leave.
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I had no mercy when I mained killer for my first 18 months. I'd slaughter everyone ruthlessly. Bad luck..so sad here's a hook for you.
Since I have been playing survivor now the last few months and plan to continue that til I "got gud" my view has changed. I play less sweaty, never slug for the 4k, no tunneling, let people go. Unless bm ofcourse.
Play how you want. But people will appreciate if you cut them some slack when glitch screws them over.
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Springwood is my favourite map. It has 3-4 large loops combined in 1 house. If less than 3 survivors escape there, they desrve it.
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the only time i really feel bad is if someone gets sandbagged or if i get a REALLY bullshit hit through a window, most of the times ill let them go if it happens
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I also like Springwood, but only because of the setting.
I just perfer "twon-ish" maps above others, because I think, they looking better.
The most succes I have - feeled - in the pig and demo map.
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If I down someone because of dedicated bs, I always feel bad and I'll usually just leave them on the ground for someone to pick them up (unless they're kicking my butt lol). Also if survivors mess up real bad, if they're the last person in the match and they beg to be let free I usually let them just cause :p
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I've had people gripe because I let someone other than them get hatch or the door, but the thing is that I have to get at least a black pip. I usually don't feel bad for them if they make a mistake, since they have so many tools to allow them to come back from a mistake.
I feel bad when they have DC's or potato teammates. Last night I was playing and I got total morons on my team. It was a slugging legion, and while I was looping, two of my teammates kept trying to pick each other up right in front of him, which of course he wasn't having. Me and the other guy doing gens got killed, and in spectate, the legion was farming with them. That was irritating since he went full tryhard on me and the other guy.
So yeah, mercy can be situational.
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He probably had mercy on them because their teammates were potatoes.
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They were the potatoes. Of course, they were rank 16's to my rank 8, so I don't hold it against them.
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I never farm with survivors on purpose, if nothing like dcs happened before. Then I farm with them, because it would not be a fair game anymore for them.
Also I am not good in "survivor-ish".
For 1-2 weeks as example I had 2 guys t-bagging for me in a door of that yamatoka (or however) house.
It had looked crazy, but it had honestly very confuse me and... because I didn't know what I should do, I had kill them then. Also in the endgame chat, they were silent.
Their behavior is even today a mystery for me.
Edit: Even a other survivor was confused from them and asked them why they have done it. Damn... Now I think again about this. Argh... :(
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Only when the map suites it. Killers put on map offerings in their favor sometimes too.
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Sometimes when its obvious a survivor is really low rank/new... My aim might just REALLY suck against those guys. Cant hit a hatchet to save my life and might ACCIDENTLY wiff afew swings before losing them behind a rock.
The rest of their team though dies.
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No not only you. I sometimes let survivors crawl out to escape just because I know the feeling of going down close to the finish line. Also after someone has been unhooked if they run straight in to me by accident I can be nice and leave them alone, even if that would not have been tunneling in my book.
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Not at all. It’s a healthier mentality than being a try hard who must get a 4K every game. I love the fun games where I can have fun as survivor or killer and people all seem to be enjoying the game. Might not win, but it’s more appealing to me.
I had a Jake last night who was clearly new and in a swf at ranks 9. I killed off everyone but him, as he kept getting stuck in corners. I let him do the last 3 gens and bust my totem, just for the practice. Then I let him go.