Totems rework

CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

I believe that even as a secondary objective,dull totems are not worth cleansing. I believe that they need a full rework. Here are my ideas;

Firstly,make totems cleanse time shorter with each totem cleansed. Meaning that the cleansing speed would be; 5 totems alive,14 second cleanse. 4,12 seconds. 3,10 seconds. 2,8 seconds and 1,6 seconds (just a cool idea)

Second,make them affect LUCK. I know that luck is indeed useless but with my other forum that suggest changes with luck,it could make them an interesting duo. I'll re-edit the post to show you a link of my other forum.

Lastly,make them affect the exit gates. This could be an op idea,but with each cleansed totem,reduce the time to open an exit gate by one second

What do you guys think? Let me know down below.

Here is the link;


  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    It would be nice to have them not spawn right in the open. Never fails.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Your heart is in the right place, but clearly you've only though about this "rework" from a survivor POV. They in no way need to be adjusted in the survivors favor. They don't need to be shorter per totem. They take like 10 seconds, and it's an easy 1000bp and boldness; and they are already piss easy to find. If anything, they should be made more difficult, and maybe necessary to cleanse.

    The real changes that should be done are things that make them actually hard to find. Like, not just sitting out there in the opened, ever. Add skillchecks to the cleansing as well. They should be buffed in favor of killers.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    They don't need to be cleansed faster. It doesn't take that long and it's a free 1k points. Also with perks like inner strength it's worth cleansing them.

    They dont need any nerfs, they just need better spawns on a lot of the older maps.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I am a killer main and I thought of this from a lore perspective. The totems were made (as far as we know) from the entity. So destroying it should give a benefit to the survivor.

    It takes 14 seconds to cleanse btw. So I thought either A. fully rework both luck and totems or B. add more perks from both killer and survivor that affect totems. I just think they are a cool addition,but a useless one

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    I find it really hard to believe a killer main came up with that idea for a totem rework, but okay. I'll choose to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    Whatever the case, they should, under no circumstances, be buffed in any way other than in the killers favor. They belong to the killer. Survivors only reward for destroying them should be bloodpoints, boldness and knowing they may have prevented something.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Thanks for, I mean, kinda believing I'm a killer main but ok xd.

    I just thought that destroying/protecting totems isn't worth doing,unless there are hex totems.

    I thought of making totems work as bad luck for survivors and cleansing them would cause them to have good luck (more skillchecks,less crows,more possible to found the hatch) and when they are not to have debuffs (more crows,less skillchecks (situational if you want more/less skillchecks tbh),hatch spawning on the killers side of the map,faster skillchecks,etc) I just thought people would complain that it is too op :)

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    What does the killer get for having the substantial weaker totems? You can't balance around lore you have to balance around the game design. Everything has a push and pull to it for both sides. I will take that you're a killer main at face value as whether you are or not doesn't matter. The issue I have with this suggestion is that from a gameplay stand point it trivializes totems across the board. Hex totems instantly become less effective and trap totems like Hex: Haunted Ground skyrocket in viability, but with such a limited usage that the benefit is neutralized.

    Totems also provide a mind game of sorts where as a killer you survivors to be suspicious of NOED even if you don't have it. Cleansing totems wastes a few precious seconds that give you an edge on survivors. Having totems affect the doors is not a great idea. Very little should affect doors especially now that the killer can just open the door themselves. there is no real reason to throw your game away when wakeup still works on doors. Though usage of wakeup is rare.

    Luck only affects chance of kobe and even with maximum luck attainable in game you still almost never kobe. I don't see how Totems being involved would make a system like that any better.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I just believe that totems could be something more. There is so much room for creativity for the totems and I believe that there should be something more to these cool additions. Tho I cannot say I disagree with you,I just say that there should be a suggestion,an idea to make totems kinda better. For example more totem perks would be neat

  • Quiet_Observer
    Quiet_Observer Member Posts: 68

    Why have more perks that use totems when the totems are always in obvious places before reworking them I'd rather them have real spawn locations

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    People suggest totem perks all the time. Most of the bad, some of them good. Though realistically survivors in a general sense do not like Hex perks as they don't like being passively affected by something/anything that makes the game harder for them. With that said, if the devs could justify another killer having hex totems then we could get more. I think the last one we got was Haunted Ground and it was weird cause Spirit by design isn't really someone that casts hexes and curses.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Dear lord I wasted time reading this terrible idea and thinking about how insanely survivor sided and wildly unfair to killer it was before I noticed who it came from

  • justaSpirit_phase
    justaSpirit_phase Member Posts: 142

    I’d say that the more totems there are the slower the exit gates get opened

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2020

    The reason they are optional is for the perks to be a risk but also slow the game down and allowing end game ones to have a chance.

    This would directly nerf them all as each dull totem means a faster cleanse on the others so rip full totem builds.

    A perk like NOED probably would never activate and even if it did could be gone within 2 seconds with no chance to protect it.

    14s really isn't long if survivors choose to do them now which most are starting to do from my personal experience. That could be with the likes of inner strength being introduced.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Detectives hunch makes any additional totem nerfs the death of all hexes..which would suck as most killer perks are so weak