Thoughts on Ormond map

Personally I find Ormond very difficult as killer being that it is a big map and there are a lot of pallets.

There are only two maps I dislike as killer an that is blood lodge and Ormond.

I would like other peoples opinion on this map to see if it's just me that dislikes this map.


  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I mainly dislike it for the scratchmarks being hard to see. Coupled with the sound issues (unrelated to Ormond though), its insanely easy to lose the killer on that map.

  • MegHead_97
    MegHead_97 Member Posts: 12

    I've played Billy, Wraith (with speed add ons) and oni even with high mobility there are so many good loop's it's hard to even down a good survivor

    P.s. I'm rank 1 killer and survivor so I know how strong these loop's are.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Ormond is probably the worst map in the game; besides the long loops and weird structures, I'm pretty sure I've seen two god loops spawn in the main building.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    There are things in haddonfield, Thompson House and other maps that are completely busted and horrible to run survivors on, and yamaoka has a pretty bad visibility problem and weird jungle gyms, but overall I don't despise any of those maps as much as Ormond. It's just bad. Poor scratch mark visibility, awful loops and structures that make you hate your life and it's huge. If I'm playing a killer like Huntress or Amanda the game's over in 5 minutes because you simply can't even get to the gens fast enough to stop them from popping.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Awful map for most killers. Too big, too many safe tiles strung together. Almost a guaranteed loss if you aren't playing Billy, freddy or spirit. Disgusting map to play on, and I'm considering disconnecting every time someone burns an offering for it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    It's extremely survivor sided like most maps. There are tons of safe pallets and the map is way too large to properly maintain pressure on most killers.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    In my eyes, Ormond is the most broken map in the game. The map is basically one giant connected tile that even has a god window. Not to mention the scratch marks are harder to see. There is absolutely nothing redeemable for a killer on this map.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2020

    I think Ormund is the worst map in the game, and I would rather play Haddonfield with every survivor having pre-nerf BL than play on it. How do you make all this massive, big maps with such safe pallets, but then you make a map like Hawkin's that has 30 pallets that are basically all unsafe? Helloooo?