Is this an exploit on Coldwind Farm?

Cassandra_Alexandra Member Posts: 254
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

PS4 Torment Creek Map (Myers): This Jake was vaulting in the tractor when I hit him & put him in the dying state and he crawled and hugged the side while crawling so he could land on the bail of hay on the side.

I tried to vault and then walk and hug the side to land on it, but it would not work. Is it me or has anyone been able to land on this hay platform as a killer?

Tapp came to help and he was able to land on it & get him to injured state, but I still couldn’t land on it. Tapp ran and I ran after him and downed him then came back to tractor. Jake stayed up there I guess to taunt me (teabag) & because he had Adrenaline. So the exit gates went off and his Adrenaline kicked in so of course now of course he got off the tractor. I got one hit in but he escaped. Needless to say, he and another teammate teabagged me like crazy at the gate even though I never camped or tunneled. I’m a solo survivor main and I don’t have that kind of toxic behavior. Survivors like that ruin it for the rest of us because that’s the kind of behavior that causes some killers to camp or tunnel.

Is this not an exploit and other killers have been able to land on it?
