Sirvivors! Just stop!!

I've been in three straight matches wherein survivors spot me going for an unhook, only to sprint burst past me to grab it instead.
I'm okay to give you the unhook if you want it, but come on. There are gens to be repaired, totems to be cleansed.
Should I be frustrated by this? I thought we were a team. Sigh...
Oh you must be new.
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Unhooks are probably the most time-effective way to earn points, more points than doing an entire gen solo in just a second (assuming it's a safe unhook). At least We're Gonna Live Forever requires a safe unhook nowadays, back when it didn't you saw some truly selfish stuff 😄
The real pain is when you're using Kindred and you're on the hook, and you still see all 3 survivors race eachother to the hook. I'm using this perk specifically so two of you can stay on gens unless the person closest to me gets found, cut it out 😥
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I'm in solo matches. If I see someone going for a save, I peel off to repair generators. That's why I created the thread. I'm frustrated with survivors who continue to throw games bc god forbid they don't get all the unhooks in a single match.
Perhaps you should more closely read the op bf you respond?
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I run kindred for this purpose as well. Maybe the devs should rework a more effective distribution of points awarded per objective so that survivors aren't always throwing games to race each other for the unhook.
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This is why I run Kindred, if I see I’m closest or I see the other 2 are staying on gens I go for the save. Otherwise I just keep doing a gen if someone else is already making a save
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If you run Kindred, and you're happy to let others get the unhooks, I'm genuinely confused as to what the problem is.
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"You did not detail at all that you would "peel off to repair generators" in the original post."
The point of the original post was that AS I'm going for the save, another survivor who sees me sb past to get the unhook. Whether I mention that I peel off or not (which I do unless we group heal), was not the point.
You should have deduced that the survivor who sb past me should peel away and that I will peel away when he does sprint past me is common ######### sense.
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Then you meed to reread the op, bc I mentioned nothing about kindred until I responded to someone who MENTIONED kindred. SMH
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"Once again, if you realize that other people are going to use Sprint Burst to get the save before you and be very altruistic then..."
I do not have esp. I am not going to stop going for saves because I have to anticipate that someone is going to race me to the unhook.
You're actually putting words in my mouth to fit your agenda. I'm done trying to convince you of the point of my ORIGINAL POST. It really is straight forward, and I don't feel it was necessary to write an essay to placate one hard-headed poster.
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Yes... you said in the OP "I'm okay to give you the unhook if you want it" and then further down the thread, you said "I run kindred... as well".
I'm very confused. Are you trying to call me out for reading your entire thread in order to craft a more well-informed response? Because you've just agreed with me that you did say exactly what I quoted you as having said.
If you mean to say that you weren't using Kindred in the situation you were describing in the OP, why not just say that, instead of "shaking your head" at me and implying that I lack comprehension skills?
And if that is what you mean - that the situation you're complaining about was one in which you weren't using Kindred - then there's your solution. Run Kindred. Problem solved.
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Getting unhooks is a lot of points and even more if you use WGLF of course people race their own teammate for it.
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I get that. It is just so frustrating when we all could be maximizing our efforts to get the gates open and escape. It is what it is I guess.
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Survivors don't have to act as a team. That's where you are going wrong. It's nice when they do, bit don't always expect it.
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Getting gates open and escaping isn’t a win though, PIPPING is usually most people’s goal. You need altruism to pip and unhook is the best way.
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You think that you have it rough? I've been left on hook till it ran out(no, I wasn't face camped)
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You: "I'm gonna get the unhook while my team are doing gens."
Random Meghead: "Are you sure about that?"