A tale as old as time

Forget to Bring decisive strike because I wanted to try a sneaky ninja build

teammate got hooked for the first time, "oh someone will probably save them" *he has kindred

2 other teammates literally crouching doing nothing

I have to run across the map to save hooked teammate before he reaches second phase

killer is camping / proxy camping, I get found immediately, unhooked teammate before second phase

Got downed and hooked first time ... okay at least I save my teammate on time

killer camps / proxy camping because ruin is literally next to me .... okay ...

no one comes to save me until I'm on the second phase then teammate unhooks me when killer is still camping... okay....

gets tunneled by killer right after I got unhooked .... okay ....

getting depiped because the game says "I suck" .... not okay ...

everyone in my team was purple rank

killer was rank 13

it's just one of those days


  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413


  • Kindred is one of those perks that let you see hoe many of your teammates are too terrified to do anything.

    Teammate gets hooked and has kindred. Kindred shows killer face-camping teammate. Look around the map and see 2 other teammates running to the corner of the map, away from the killer, and squatting there until the teammate reaches phase 2 and then sacrificed.

    2 minutes of squatting in a corner despite kindred showing killer camping the hook at the other corner of the map.

    That's why kill rates are 75%

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 902

    I came here expecting Beauty and the Beast Lyrics. @_@ Disappointed.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,962
    edited January 2020

    If I get to second state while using kindred and I'm not getting camped I just let myself die in that match lmao