Plague changes ideas

So, you either get your corrupt purge, or you don't and it's dependent on one of two things.

1: Survivors cleanse super early in the game and it'll generally bite them in the rear for doing so.

2: You use iridescent seal and get called a try hard.

The unfortunate thing about plague is the fact she doesn't get many points in deviousness, or brutality.

In my personal opinion as a Plague main, change the vile purge from breaking survivors to just injuring them. Have the add ons that give them different status effects, (not adding exhaustion) but things like blindness, maybe hemorrhage.

Change Black incense (heathenish talk, I know) give it a considerable increase in infection time on objects, a tremendous increase in how quickly survivors gain infection from interactions and a considerable decrease in movement speed while holding vile purge.

Make iridescent seal to where you don't gain corrupt purge once a generator is complete, but rather after hitting a survivor with corrupt purge, give them a bit of infection charge. Either lower the duration of corrupt purge or make it a slower charge speed/movement speed.

Maybe give one very rare add on to where a fully sick survivor is broken for...60 seconds? Maybe less or make it an ultra rare and change one of the iridescent to it.

Again, these are personal opinions, would love to hear what others have to say about it


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    How would this make her better?

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    Just adjust the point/emblem system and problem is solved in my opinion.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Is this just a list of nerfs? Looking at your name this feels like a troll.

  • Nikotiini
    Nikotiini Member Posts: 77

    I feel like The Plague's just fine currently. She just needs a deviousness point buff and it's all fixed.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    Not sure where you'd get the idea that it would be nerfs. Survivors have no intensive to cleanse against a plague in the first place. And when they do, they'll find where the gates spawn, cleanse on the other side of the map. So by the time you go to a side where you could get corrupt purge and go back to the gate, they're already long gone. So most of the time you're just using half of the plague

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    I mean, how would it not? Most of the time unless you go against survivors who don't know how to play against a Plague, you're just using half of her power. It's easy to loop and dodge her vomit if you can get in a corner where she can't touch you with vile purge. So if you want to go purely for vile purge, you'd want to use incensed oitment with infected emetic or rubbing oil. The only games I came close to a perfect game with her was using iri seal and devotee's amulet. Even at that I had to let people get back up just to mess with them more in order to gain more points.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I see much more survivors cleansing lately, even in red ranks. I would say that the no cleanse meta is kinda gone, at least in my experience. Tho her deviousness and emblems could certainly use a buff.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2020

    "Most of the time unless you go against survivors who don't know how to play against a Plague, you're just using half of her power. It's easy to loop and dodge her vomit if you can get in a corner where she can't touch you with vile purge"

    None of this I disagree with.

    You just listed off issues with Plague, you didn't answer any of my question. Why would the changes you are presenting fix the problems we have agreed on? "How would it not" isn't an answer. I don't think your changes fix her problems which is why I was wanting you to elaborate.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    If it's giving them a status effect IE, blindness, hindered, and so forth, would you not want to cleanse against that instead of just being broken? And the fact if you do end up having corrupt purge and don't pay enough attention, all they have to do is stun you and it's gone. Which is my biggest issue with Plague. I love Plague, she's my favorite killer, it just sucks that you're working with half of your power and the other half is easily taken away. And then you hook one or two people, if corrupt purge is still active and the other survivors are clear across the map, you either A: Attempt to find them and injure them. Or B: wait for it to go away to puke on the feet so the infection timer can start going up once unhooked.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    I think they need to work on some of the deviousness in certain killers. Some get it very easily, meanwhile others struggle to even get 3-5k. You can get it easily on doctor, freddy, legion, spirit and a few others. Meanwhile Plague and Pig and maybe a few other killers like Bubba (though you can just rev up the chainsaw and move around with it to get points) have a struggle. Sure you can spend the game puking on lockers, gens, pallets, windows but it's only giving 25 points per. And then you get I believe 300 for infection damage once fully sick. So that's what, 1200 for all four survivors?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    "If it's giving them a status effect IE, blindness, hindered, and so forth, would you not want to cleanse against that instead of just being broken?"

    Nope, I think most wouldn't. Bar a couple, most the status effects in the game are pretty weak. Now if in your idea you picked a specific status effect then we might agree as some are pretty good. Which more specifically?

    "And the fact if you do end up having corrupt purge and don't pay enough attention, all they have to do is stun you and it's gone."

    I think the Corrupt Purge is in a good spot, I wouldn't want it nerfed or buffed. I think it's strong but it has counter play and is already asking a lot to get it. I'd like staying infected/broken to be more detrimental and encourage cleansing more. This is what you're going for, I'm just not sure about the idea yet is all.

    "it just sucks that you're working with half of your power and the other half is easily taken away."

    Well if you were getting the Corrupt Purge more often this wouldn't be as big of a deal as it is now.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    I suppose my main issue with the Plague is half of her add-ons revolve around corrupt purge...and you basically need a survivor's permission to get it unless you run iri seal

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    My issue is, yes it's a good power to get corrupt purge. But I wouldn't mind seeing some add-ons slow survivors down just a little bit, IE perhaps healing or gens. But not both in one (I don't want to see another slow down freddy build while Plague can already use thano and dying light. Annoying to see..) But seeing 6 of her add-ons being based around Corrupt Purge, which are mainly duration. Minus Iri seal and ashen Apple. With one makes you get corrupt purge from fountains faster and movement speed increase while holding it. I don't see the point really if I'm being honest. You basically have to HOPE the survivors cleanse. Or you run Ashen Apple and worship tablet. So basically vile purge, get everyone sick. Get the fountain, hope you can down 2 or more. If you down all 4, then you basically will de-pip because you could've ended the game too quickly.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I don't disagree with almost any of this.

    Since it isn't fun for survivors to get debuffed, how about this. For every survivor fully infected/broken, the killer gets a 4meter reduced TR?

    This would steadily make Plague more dangerous for the more survivors that choose to not cleanse but also not making it "anti fun" by debuffing the survivors per say.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    Honestly, that would make Plague a lot better. I didn't even think about that...monitor and abuse is a must use for plague imo since people will hide soon as they hear her TR. I believe max range for her vile/corrupt purge is what, 12-16 meters?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Yeah something like that.

    I honestly don't know why I never thought of this idea before, I really like it.

    So best case scenario IF you run M&A with 4 survivors all refusing to heal you'd have an 8meter TR. That would allow you sneak up a lot better. She would still be extremely tall to see coming, you'd hear if she got Corrupted and she would still have a red stain.

    It feels like enough to be more incentivized to cleanse without being overbearing.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    I didn't even want this to seem like a troll post either. I really do like Plague, just feels like an M1 killer until they cleanse...and that's how I feel most killers are tbh.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    You're not wrong.

    I enjoy her a lot thematically, she just has a lot to be desired. There's so much potential that could be done to her.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    And they just nerfed ruin. So, seeing as she's already a slow killer...she's almost out of existance. Guess I'll have to practice her without ruin :'). Time to stock pile iri seals before those possibly get nerfed