Do Better

So you acknowledge that ruin is "used in 80% of red rank games", and "45% in the entire userbase". So instead of thinking huh maybe games are going to quick, MAYBE that's why it's used so much let's address that and add something to extend the games so both sides can be happy. Nah guys lets nerf ruin instead and ignore the giant generator shaped elephant in the room. BECAUSE and i quote "Its punishment of new players or those who can't hit Great Skill Checks. Newer players trying to help veterans with generator repairs tend to make the situation worse rather than better." So because new players who are bad at hitting SKILL checks;because they're NEW you're gonna baby them further because that wouldn't be fun i assume? Why take the time to get used to the timing of skill checks through playtime amirite?? (I emphasis skill because its supposed to take "skill to do") . Why are you babying them so much I just do not understand your train of thought.

Ruin or any totem for that matter doesn't last long enough to warrant this. This wouldn't even be the worse thing in the world if totems didn't get cleansed in 0.5 seconds. Devs seriously do better. This feels really bad for someone who plays both sides. I'm not a baby stop making everything so easy, things can be difficult and hard to overcome that's the fun in a game. And stop taking away my tools to hinder survivors, i'm against 4 intelligent people; (most of the time) I've seen them outplay and confuse me numerous times. I THINK they can figure out a skill check. Give us more credit then that.


  • Pharaoh211
    Pharaoh211 Member Posts: 28

    Literally and it's so frustrating. I have way more fun playing survivor then killer nowadays. And it sucks that it doesn't matter what's fun for killer . I mean just look at Nurse

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    Of course it has to cater to the survivors. "Omg almost every killer is using a perk to slow the progression of gens early on so they can actually possibly rank up?"

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Honestly I only play killer because of queue times being fast and if it deteriorates more all you can eventually do as a survivor is queue up and hope you get into a match after a few hours.

  • Pharaoh211
    Pharaoh211 Member Posts: 28

    If things like this keep happening it's gonna get even worse i'm afraid.

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    It's noticeable ever since the nurse rework / rift introduction. I'm not saying the former is the reason: the latter likely made more killers try out survivor and realized how much easier it is to play and do well every single game regardless of their opponent. It was even released with a nerf to instant heals so survivor should be harder from that /s. When I first started playing in february this year, I'd have to wait a few minutes in killer queue.

    A few months later we got the DS rework which was a buff (is this the one people call a nerf, or the near-release nerf I heard about where all 4 players could strike without struggling). Survivors gained a new second chance that the killer had no workaround if the survivor had a nearby locker to hide in.

    Next up they release a killer with a stipend that "hey it's currently broken" hidden in the notes. I won't go as far as some say of bait and switch but hey usually it's the other way around: demo & ghostface got pretty big buffs on/after release (I didn't test plague as I didn't know how to ptb / care to back then). Alongside this, they broke the sound in the game so all survivors get iron will and perks not in the game when they go behind a large enough tree / a wall / a building. Spirit / Wraith get broken alongside the Spirit change (which isn't what survivors wanted btw, so that isn't over I'd bet).

    Now we get a Perk used by many killers for some odd reason that I just can't put my finger on getting nerfed.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    "Newer players trying to help veterans with generator repairs tend to make the situation worse rather than better."

    They shouldn't even be playing with Veterans players. But sadly the Devs don't know how to fix matchmaking so they decide to nerf a perk instead of fixing it.

  • Bustanut_Champion
    Bustanut_Champion Member Posts: 53

    Hey, at least it's easier to get gatekeeper now, so inexperienced killers will have an even easier time ranking up and finding disproportionately experienced survivors in matches. It's genius really.

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    When you put it that way… Devs are hidden geniuses

  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    According to the leaks they're hiding ranks after the match is over as well.

  • Pharaoh211
    Pharaoh211 Member Posts: 28

    LITERALLY this design choice was another patch up bandaid fix because matchmaking's horrendous. It's become a norm now; fixing things without resolving the core issue. It's becoming a pattern man, I mean just look at legion. HUGE YIKES

  • Pharaoh211
    Pharaoh211 Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2020

    I actually just read that. There's literally no reason to do that other then to cover up the mess that is current matchmaking. How dissapointing

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    They aren't going to get gatekeeper more easily though: it's only a bonus if they 3k+ (cause hatch escape is fine for gate keeper) which isn't what their aim is if you remember their constant statistics 'goals'.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    There's going to be new killers coming to the game, and there will be the veteran survivors that will absolutely destroy them by gen rushing and just bullying. Then they'll look for ways to slow the game down a bit more. Hopefully the devs will have found a better solution by then.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    This game is about to be DED - DED. How stupid...

  • Blackadder
    Blackadder Member Posts: 23

    It's absolutely insane how clearly biased the devs are being, it was easy enough to counter ruin as is. I can't count how many times i've messed up on a couple of ruin skill checks, ran around for about 30 seconds found and cleansed the totem, it's so minimal effort and now to make it require no effort is mind boggling to me. What's the point of a game if there's no challenge?