"Could there be an underlying problem that's forcing players to run Ruin? Nah, let's kill the perk!"


The devs think it's ######### fun to use Ruin. It isn't.

If there was a more interactive perk which helped with early game slowdown then people would use it but there is currently NO WAY to prevent 3 gens from popping the first 2 minutes of the match.

Imagine supporting a game for more than 2 and a half years only to get spoonfed ######### from the dev team. This is so sad. Can't even play surv now because queue times will be impossible to deal with.


  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    At least survivor gameplay will be more fun now...

    If they manage to find a lobby

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2020

    Who are making these decisions? How is this possibly being discussed first, then, after said discussion, still being green lit to actually make these stupid changes ??

    This game is about to die. Sigh.