BHVR Devs I Will Fix Your Mess
*** I want to start this off by saying I will try the changes, and if they are different than how they currently look I'll change my thoughts. I'm not going to be hard headed to never accept change. However, if they turn out to be how people expect, then what I say here will still hold true***
I have a simple solution to the pile of you know what you've just left on the carpet that has everyone and their brother ticked off at you right now. Also before people start saying killer or survivor main, I play both, and I have had many hours in this game. I speak from experience on both sides, and be honest with yourself, this latest patch notes are nothing but survivor sided.
The Problem:
The simple problem is that gens pop too quickly in the first moments of the game. By the time a killer who IS designed to go straight for gens finds someone they can chase and downs them, three other people have been working on gens during all that time and pop all three. This is the reason Ruin was used by your statistics in 80% of high rank play. Ruin was needed for that first part of the game to try and lessen the blow of those first gens being popped and allow the game to ACTUALLY start instead of having 3 out of 5 gens popped right away. Not to mention once that person is hooked once and you chase someone new, one survivor saves them and heals, the other is working on gen number 4, and once they work on a gen that's now 4 and 5 popped. They don't even have to heal if they have adrenaline. You're limiting the 'good' killers like Nurse and Spirit, yet doing nothing about the speed at which gens are popped. Now with the Ruin changes you are taking away all of the early game pressure relief that it brought saying that instead it's good for late game when we all know that just isn't true, plus the fact that it's a Hex means that it typically won't survive till late game anyways.
The Solution:
First get rid of the notion that Ruin needs to be a Hex perk and instead just make it part of the base game. If it's something 80% of all red rank games used then it's something seen as important enough to have in every game, make it so. You've already changed the purpose of the perk, having regression when survivors stop working on gens isn't a terrible thing. I've seen gens get left at 99% when there really is no purpose of it anymore, stop letting survivors do that for free. This will lessen the blow of gutting Ruin of it's purpose and the backlash from the killers who are being slapped in the face by it. You could also just add a fifth perk slot, there's no reason to force killers to only have four slots when they are going 4v1.
Secondly, since Ruin no longer will serve it's purpose to slow the game down in the early game, there's another way. Make the first few minutes of the game have a forced progression reduction, lets say it's a generator 'warm up' period. This will allow the game to get started before it's already over, a trapper wants to set up his traps around the map and won't even go after someone on a gen right away, that would be four people working on gens without a Ruin, if all of those pop only one gen is left. What I'm suggesting is reduce the progress in the first few minutes of the game to allow for a trapper to get set up, a killer to find and actually have the chance to down someone before gens start popping left and right, get the game actually started before it's over. Killers not being pressured in these vital first moments means that they can actually start the game, they won't be forced into the slugging tunneling that they are already threatening now.
Final Thoughts:
As a survivor it's ridiculous to allow three gens to pop before a single person is downed. They have Dead Hard, pallets, everything to use to keep themselves alive to just waste time. Then when they get downed they still have the option to be saved by a flashlight or pallet stun. As a survivor we have all the time we need to finish those first gens without sweat, then when that first person gets hooked it's not like they are dead, we get an easy save, and pop the last two gens and get out. It's not hard and only really idiotic survivors go down in two seconds.
As a killer, you already spawn Ruin across the map away from me in most every game, it already went away in as little as 5 seconds when you spawn a survivor looking at it, now you want to take that away? Killer mains will leave if you continue to do crap like this, they will not stand for being slapped in the face. Losing one survivor means nothing, losing a killer means 4 survivors now have to wait longer for a game. The more you lose the longer the queue times will be, once survivors start crying about queue times you'll know why. Killers will either leave, or they'll become like me: Fed up and no longer nice. With this, I won't purposefully go after the full health survivor who did a save, I'm going to go for the injured one tunneling them off the hook every time. I'll no longer let people go for saves, I'll no longer have any respect for anything the survivor does. I will be a fully cold hearted killer, tunnel, slug, and the exact opposite of "Fun" for survivors. You keep making these changes so that the game will be fun for low rank survivors, I can guarantee that any match they have with me will be the opposite. They will hate every moment of it, every match, and will complain even more all because you refuse to listen to anything killers have to say. I said it before and I'll say it again, you need high ranked killers on your staff team to give you an idea of how things work. You can't balance the game around the fun of low rank survivors, it will not work for high rank and those are the ones that are spending the most amount of time playing the game.