Devs removing the ranks from the end screen.

To be honest. This is just a lazy "we cant fix it so we hide it" fix. Also it isnt gonna change anything in the match. But i want to know why my teammate was bad / why i stomped the surviors so hard.

AS A RANK1 i dont want a rank12 survior in my lobby ever no matter if i play killer or survivor. The rank system is allready useless to the point where nearly no one cares about it since it doesnt represent skill in any way.

But you just nerf perks and killers because low ranks get stomped by good killers.

I dont want games that only take 3 minutes. My Q is longer than my matches as survivor. And i dont want to play killer since i know i only win if survivors do mistakes (i know that since i played survivor for over thousand hours). Its pretty much impossible to lose now when your team is good.

So insted of balancing the game you hide your bad matchmaking and let noobs get killed by good player so they dont feal bad.

And to be honest i dont care either when i play killer. I will kill the weak links as soon as possible and i dont care about their fun. I want to win. As survivor i dont hate the killer for tunneling a bad survivor that obviously doesnt belong here. Actualy im happy they get a derank so i dont need to babysit them anymore. Sure survivors are op but i cant carry 3 noobs against a good killer. Ruin doesnt even matter since they dont do gens anyways.

I am sick of this ranking system. Im sick of dieing because my team doesnt know what it does on rank one. Im sick of stomping beginners that got rank 1 because of the rank system(since after all im no bad peraon and i want everyone to enjoy the game). But im sorry. Me being nice ends where my victory is at risk because of it

PLS give us back victory cube and remove the safe pip so we can finaly have a good rank system. When are you gonna hand out participation rewards for survivors and killers?

Ps: Dont get me wrong i love the game but sometimes it feels like you gave up trying
