BBQ and chilli nerf when?

It is so frustrating to play against a killer that gets bloodpoints and you dont. It should be onky 25 percent or be removed, killers should use an offering
More bloodpoints means that they get to spend them on more moris and really strong add ons like Iri heads and black incense, which are also frustrating to go against.
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Poor survivors
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Yeah, nerf bloodwebs, they are frustrating because they give killers perks
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Just say BBQ is annoying or unfun and the devs will nerf it next week.
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That's a bait and a half
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The sad thing is I cant deny it
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I want a NOED nerf first!!111!1
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I prefer Huntress Lullaby to be nerfed because on the 1 out of 70000 times it doesnt get cleanse skill checks go by 25 percent faster
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WGLF should give stacks if you escape a chase with the killer and don't got hooked within 60 seconds (getting into a chase again will still give a stack after that 60 seconds, assuming you aren't downed or hooked). This way it rewards skill and parallels BBQ rewarding the killer for hooking.
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I mean this was the most ironic post ever but fair ideas
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Killers should get better at finding survivors without relying on crutch perks.
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Nah, when i joined this game, i thought this is all about gen repair simulator and lobby simulator.
But killers got in my way and ruined all the fun of me. So i think they should just delete killers and name this game properly to "dead by simulator"
(This is a joke)
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You do realize that there are several survivor perks that let you see the killer, right? 🙄
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How about no:) it's fine .
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Yeah and that's fine, because it's frustrating not to see the auras of the killers.
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I hope this is just a trolling lol
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"We noticed BBQ and Chili was used by a large number of players, so we have decided to remove the aura part of the perk, we feel this will make it more balanced for both sides and introduce more counter play"
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Ah, I see. You are just trolling. Carry on. ;)
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I also think killers should have a 30 second wait time between hits, also they should only be able to move 20m after a generator is completed. They are over performing
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I agree. Nerf everything, why learn to play the game when you can just complain and it will go away.
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I just wish WGLF worked as reliably as BBQ. I think just by nature of the game there isn't any survivor perk that could work the same as BBQ, but when you get bp for a protection hit but not a stack, that hurts.
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this started a joke and yet i'm seeing people fighting oh no
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Love how the sarcasm flew far above more then a few heads 😅
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Soon all perks for killers become "consumable" like addons, but not for surv, because, you know, SURV SIDED GAME BOI.
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Sounds fair, they make more bp with bbq and chili anyway, they should be able to buy all their perks again.
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Yeah, I guess this was too complex for some people to understand
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People don't worry. After nerf of the HEX:Ruin. BBQ will jump on the first place of the use - very quikly. Because - perfect perk (great farm + great detection, when other farm perks are - poor)
Developers nerf only top1 perk, that to decrease their use and to increase use of other perks. So, BBQ will be nerfed during next planned "nerf update".
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More bloodpoints for survivors means more to spend for key, flashlights, toolboxes, with powerful add ons like brand new parts, insta flaslight or white wards etc.
Which are so annoying to go against.
See the irony of your post there? 😉
Survivors also have 2 perks (maybe more but i have to look at it again), which gives you extra bloodpoints without an offering.
Don't forget, a killer have to go against 4 people while survivors have to go against 1.
So it is in place that a killer is awarded more bp than survivors.
And any decent survivor in red ranks get about 25k most of the times, which is about the same as a killer gets when 2 escape.
Hell i have had several games as survivor where i got 31k alsmost 32k without any offerings or perks that award extra.
So imo i think killers should get more than they get niw tbh as base.
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psst, this post is a troll
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Seriously are you dumb? Everyone is being ironic
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You are getting made at BP
I hope you know WGLF is a free perk for survivors that allows you to get BP too
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For me it was 10 but I am from a country that 1 dollar is 4 and sometimes 5 of my money type
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the only frustrating thing ist that the equivalent for survivors is just trash to use.
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Lol, I wouldn't be surprised if BBQ gets another nerf. The devs have sent a clear message on what language to use to get nerfs, just say "perk/killer X is frustrating to play against" and your wish will be granted, eventually.
It is similar to when they nerfed Freddy a week after release to stop the disconnects. That sent a clear message to survivors that if they disconnect, then changes will be made and BHVR have never found a way to stop that resulting behaviour that they unknowingly encouraged.
I think their latest patch notes and how survivor biased they have been worded, will create another monster.
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lol relax mate.
Sometimes it isn't that obvious anymore.
Sometimes you think they're joking and they appear to be serious af and visa versa.
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OMG best idea ever, lock SWF behind a $10 per month paywall per person!