"BHVR doesn't listen. BHVR doesn't care!" You're Wrong

They don't? This is why they always make constant changes to their game? Constant changes to perks, maps, and certain killer powers? It's because they don't listen or care? Hm. Makes PERFECT sense.
You DO NOT understand how much the game has changed if only you've been around for a while.
The pallets have been less and less.
Slow vaults are now a thing.
Killers with traps who depend on early game have been getting buffs.
They nerfed insta- heals because they LISTENED to the killers
They nerfed the 2 most top tier killers because they HEARD the survivors.
And the list just goes on and on and on... Basically, yes, BHVR DOES listen to us. Most of you are just too entitled and ungrateful to realize is.
It took them 4 years to admit their maps were garbage. They only listen when it's convenient for them.
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Oh yeah man you're right look how fast they fixed sounds for killers it's only been a few months and grabbing survivors still bugged
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Or perhaps your not understanding..removing two pallets is not equal to slamming the killer meta with a sledge..giving killers the ability to close hatch came with the condition survivors get 3 chances to escape, every patch has been how survivors feel over and over for MONTHS..basement bug fixed in two days, killer sounds may not return EVEN now a month and a half later, sure had time to nerf oni to the point nobody plays him though despite spirit and wraith severely being bugged too..you see..we are what they are doing..its just far from equal
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Hey, survivors still can’t hear Michael Myer’s breathing and Ghost Face’s monster noises from 8 meters away. So it evens out.
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"killers that depend on early game have been buffed"
What buffs has trapper and hag gotten in the last 6 months?
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They're stealth killers..key word STEALTH...
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you can hear myers walking. dude has big ass feet
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No that's another thing that needs to be fixed that still hasn't been fixed there's still problems on both sides that need fixing
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and you can hear ghost faces Cape in the wind. turn up your volume. I always hear it.
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They take way to long to balance.
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Ghostface's monster noise was removed because it made him awful at actual stealth, that woosh noise you mean right?
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If the devs cared they would have fixed the core issue with this game a long time ago.
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Hmm. Legion tells a different story.
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Sadly stealth killers do have major flaws..currently ghost face is the only potential high tier there
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This content has been removed.
Old Hag and Old Trapper. Remember them? They were AWFUL
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Sure they listen, but only to survivors
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okay. that was about a year ago. dont see how this is you can use that as a argument.
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Hag and Trapper haven't been touched since 2018 aside from bug fixes. We are in 2020 now.
You're pulling stuff from past years they asked 6 months
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Yes, they listen. They listened for 3 whole years people complaining about DS and they finally reworked it.
So yeah... they "listen".
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Your attempt was noble but some people are just here to whine and complain.
The Devs listen and deal with things in their own time. Games take time to patch, change, update, etc. People are looking for next day and next week fixes and the team at BHVR isn't big enough for that. This is a small game company, not Microsoft or Apple. The team makes necessary changes when they can.
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I think the game is getting better....just at a snails pace.
It sucks though having to pretty much scream, cry and beg before it actually gets through and gets worked on though; it would be nice if they were a little more proactive about it.
Like I've seen someone point out a HUGE problem and it goes unchecked, but they will reply to "New Ruin is garbage why even do this?!" posts with the obvious due response. Makes people with the legit real issues and concerns, talking with some degree of respect- feel like they are talking to a wall.
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Okay. But might as well never buff them if they cared at all, right?
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the killer nerfs outweigh the buffs.
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They never said otherwise, they have been working their asses off to improve the maps, we have already seen it with badham and most recently lerys.
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"Infinites took skill" - Mcote 2016
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They still haven't fixed the horrendous map design for many of the maps.
They still haven't fix the addons on killers that don't work.
Killer sounds still aren't working.
They still haven't put in an effective tutorial for both survivor and killer (I mean one that teaches you how to use your camera effectively for survivors and each killer power).
Nurse is nerfed to the point very people are less willing to use her and legion might as well be removed from the game.
Console versions still runs like garbage.
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Got any more quotes to prove your point?
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Got any more lies to prove yours?
"Devs never said their maps weren't garbage"... that's hilarious.
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Thats one quote from Mcote, he rarely plays his game and has indirectly insulted the community on more than one occasion. It doesnt prove anything, you are just throwing dirt at the devs for the sake of it.
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A lot of people who actually care about proper balance don't think that BHVR don't care. They obviously care a lot. They put a lot of effort and love into the game. That said, they very obviously need some outside input when it comes to a lot of balance changes they make. A lot of fog whisperers are very vocal about their willingness to work as de facto free playtesters as both killer and survivor, which is invaluable for any pvp game (especially an asymmetrical one) and have been putting in pretty ridiculous amounts of theorycrafting and practical testing for pretty much every change that gets made. The real frustration is with the unwilingness of the team to work with this data.
A lot of people's complaints are just that: complaints. But there is a very large amount of legitimate concerns that get drowned out by said complaints. THAT is the main thing many people have concerns with. Just taking advantage of the free labor many people are providing to offer them to help improve things alongside the devs.
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He was the game director. Bullshit, it doesn't prove anything.
Please go on with your delusions. It's entertaining to see someone say 'I'm throwing dirt' for bringing up facts.
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This is very true; I don't like the way he likes to regularly insult and deride members of the community for very real concerns. And he isn't the only one I've come across doing that.
Don't get me wrong, some people complain in the worst way, but his comments at times are just...oof. If a big company like Blizzard had someone in charge of development for one of their games say things similar to him, they'd have been lambasted and rightly lost a ton of PR/potential customers in an instant.
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I'd like to receive an answer on that from the devs...if a perk like ruin which was an HEX (!!!),so could be taken off easily, was op, then how they consider a key that lets you go out in the kiddle of the game even if you did nothing to earn the win?
if they go on like this, soon we will be able to play without hands. Ofc for a little while before getting bored and move to.another game.
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Yes, he is the game director, but he is extremely alienated from the community and his game, what he says is not fully representative of what the devs think, plus, he said that in 2016, just how much things have changed since then?
Can you quote Not_Queen? Peanits? Or even Almo?
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Can you say they don't matter because they don't fit your narrative?
No point engaging with a shill.
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lmao nice shill gambit, its great to see people like you retorting when they have ran out of arguments.
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Not hearing an answer bud.
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Sadly i didnt hear one from you either, you just showed me one sad quote from Mcote and then you just proceded to rely on him to say all the devs think the same. You still havent showed me any other quotes from other devs that prove you point.
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Threads like this make me think this ######### is a fever dream and that I never woke up from a coma.
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Why don't you ask @Acromio about his interaction with Peanits then?
Or better yet have a look at this thread that futher solidifies BHVR inability to listen sometimes.
Honestly the fact you tried lying and are now completely saying that 'it doesn't matter' makes me laugh.
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a sentence like that tells me: you’re ungrateful.
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Lying in which way? Im just asking you for simple proof that the devs are in denial that the maps are not perfect, is gathering evidence that hard?
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'Devs never said their maps weren't garbage.'
Proves that's statement is wrong.
'You're just throwing dirt at them.'
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Again, Mcote is not representative of all the devs. Indeed, you are just throwing trash at them for internet points.
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"Provide proof? Doesn't count, I'm still right."
This is hilarious.
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extremely weak proof, regardless. what one dev said 4 years ago is not representative of what their philosophy was those 4 years.
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Ruin was an issue for newer players as it disincentivised them from doing gens since at first most people struggle to hit great skillchecks regularly.
Conversely, it is/was ineffective vs high nlevel survivors.
New ruin works on all levels and incentivises the killer to put out pressure on the gens rather than just committing to one really long chase, since any gens only one person was working on would end up with some huge regression on switching targets.
It had nothing to do with old ruin being OP, but an obstacle to new players coming into the game. And it was everywhere.
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Nurse change, Oni change, Ruin change, Doc change.
Balanced Landing change.
Yeah sure they care, they proved they care about survivors tea-bagging as they loop those near infinite loops for 2 gens