I can’t believe Doctor is getting Symmetra’d

pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

Look at how they massacred my boy. Removing everything special about him, taking away his niche, hiding huge nerfs with slight buffs, whacking him some more with the nerf bat because oh no! the poor wittle toxic survivors might face a fun but genuine challenge! Forget that THEY’RE the annoying ones who dc like little cowards, noooo it’s the Doctor’s fault.

I had hope with Freddy and I do like his rework, but honestly these Doc NERFS just make me lament the loss of two UNIQUE and fun play styles.


  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    Yes, he was unique. This is very sad. The patch notes make him look weak and generic. I want killers to be very different from each other. New freddy is great but I still miss old Freddy.

    I never heard anyone complain about Doctor. It amused me that people used to play him on a Friday/Saturday evening knowing that survivors would be a little drunk and miss all their skill checks.

  • MrZapp
    MrZapp Member Posts: 102

    Why you gotta do my giggly boi like this, name one person who thinks he a strong boi. All he needed was to drink his milk and have a chance to play with the other big kids ;-;