So now you load into a lobby with all 4 survivors there already on ps4...
I don't. When I went into a match I knew which players are solo if any and which could be swf. Those were my only notifications other then 4 identical survivors joining at once. Right now even if there are swf in the lobby you wont know how many of them could be swf and if there is any. I've never seen or heard about swf joining with 10 second delay, if anything the player who fails to connect to the lobby withing a few seconds is disconnected from the rest of the party and needs to be invited back by the host.
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I can't follow the rules and am a cheater now? I hope that's just bad english and nothing more.
Because if it isn't, that means you are accusing me of being a cheater for the nerve of wanting fair gameplay or calling out bullshit when I see it.
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I'm saying people following the rules can't be said to be cheating. I thought that it was fairly clear I wasn't referring to you there. I understand why you feel swf is unfair. It can certainly cause some lopsided matches. But you and I don't decide what is or isn't allowed. Even if we did, what would you propose to fix swf? Short of removing it altogether, which would cause alot of damage. There isn't much to be done.
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Maybe you can do what Groot can't/wont.
In your own words, defend SWF and explain how it isn't cheating. Why is SWF not cheating when anything else that bypasses rank, bypasses matchmaking, and causes lopsided gameplay is?
And Iv already gave an idea to how to fix this. Combine SWF with KYF and make it unranked. It isn't without fault and will lead to a backlash. But SWF shouldn't have been put into ranked gameplay to start with as DbD was never built to support it. Ranking would have worth if SWF couldn't allow players to play above/below their ranks. Matchmaking would be better if SWF wasn't trying to pair up and organize cluster ######### of group numbers across all ranks. Gameplay balance wouldn't be so horrible if SWF didn't allow Survivors to run pure meta builds without any need of support/information perks.
SWF is a root cause of a LOT of problems in DbD. And in order to fix said problems, you gotta deal with its root cause or else it will never be fixed.
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Because if it's allowed within the rules, it's not cheating. Arguably unfair, but not cheating. There really isn't much else to it then that.
As for combining swf and kyf, how? Kyf has all perks unlocked and unlimited addons. Add to that putting in another game mode would increase que times by alot.
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Anyone that is pissed about not being able to lobby dodge has never been the victim of it. Its a pathetic tactic. I play both sides and have never done it. Imagine as killer that a team loads in after ten minutes, knows what killer you are, and dodges you, kicking you out of the lobby and making you wait ten more minutes, because they are too chicken ######### to face you. Lobby dodging is for losers.
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That's double standards though. It is no different than saying SWF is better than anyone else. They dont need to follow the rules, but you do. You can't get free perks, you can't choose your rank or matchmaking, you can't just give yourself an advantage at will. But SWF can.
What makes SWF so special? What makes SWF better than anyone else? SWF isn't following the rules, they are ABOVE the rules!
Call it what you want. But SWF is held above everyone else for no reason other than they are SWF. It isn't fair, it isn't right, and there isn't any defending it. You said it yourself.
SWF is allowed to work outside the rules for no reason other than it is SWF.
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They are following the rules because they're not breaking any rules. As silly as that sentence might sound, it's the complete truth. There's a rule against getting advantages from third-party sources, but VOIP applications as well as post-processing software like Nvidia Freestyle and Reshade (which arguably helps killers more than survivors if they want it to!) are explicit exceptions to that rule, either by developer statements or by being present on EAC's whitelist.
You can think it's unfair, I think it's an advantage that's impossible to emulate as well. That's an opinion shared by many people, and why a lot of people discuss ways to lessen the advantage ranging from somewhat realistic ideas on how to balance the game around it to what is arguably pipe dreams about applying all sorts of restrictions and handicaps to it.
But cheating is a completely binary yes/no matter. If the developers or EAC's whitelist say something isn't cheating, it quite simply isn't because players won't get punished for doing it even if all the proof is present. If you take the third-party advantage rule 100% literally then recording the game or streaming it would be cheating too, as you get the advantages of being able to review your gameplay to figure out where you made mistakes more effectively than others, and if you're streaming someone in chat might decide point out a totem you missed or keep track of how many times you've hooked different survivors even if you lost track.
And also SWF can't "choose their matchmaking". Matchmaking is broken in general at the moment but SWF parties are matched based on the highest rank, which isn't exactly an advantage for the SWF party. It certainly used to be a thing when any rank 1 survivor could family share the game to a new rank 20 account, make them invite 3 rank 1 survivors and as a result not get matched in red ranks where the party obviously belongs, but that's not a thing anymore. Any possible remaining matchmaking "advantages" they could have are much weaker than a killer's ability to dodge a lobby they don't want to play (which I personally don't have an issue with, for the record).
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It would cause a lot more than a backlash. It would kill the game.
Swf also no longer allows you to play with killers below your rank. Not sure why you think it does.
You also literally need 0 information/support perks while playing solo. I always run the meta perks and do just fine. All you need is somewhat decent teammates.
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Matchmaking being out of wack could very well be caused by SWF.
DbD was built to support 4 solo Survivors. Finding 4 random people within a rank and matching them to play with a random Killer. But SWF confuses that supposed simple system by needing to mix/match group sizes. The more complex you make the matchmaking, the more it tends to break and/or slow down.
SWF is also taking players out of their intended ranks. Currently it is taking low rank players and putting them into high rank lobbies. That leaves less low rank players in total slowing that matchmaking while clogging high rank matchmaking slowing it as well.
It is no longer giving an advantage, but SWF is having negative effects on matchmaking as a whole. This isn't the first time either that matchmaking broke due to it being unable to handle the added complexity and SWF shifting players between the ranks out of the natural flow.
Read the above to see how SWF has an effect on matchmaking.
Also, you don't need support/information perks as solo. If you know your fellow Survivors, IF you can trust them. It is a constant complaint that teammates are worthless. They don't work gens, they can't loop, I can't trust them for anything!
Sound familiar? That is how DbD is was built to be. Survivors not knowing if they can trust each other, not knowing anything for certain without seeing it for themselves. This makes your perk build a choice. Favor information? Want to help others? Be out for yourself? There is suppose to be a give and take. Instead, we have meta builds thanks to SWF making too much information freely available and adding too much co-operation for DbD's balance to handle.
But as you said. The backlash of removing SWF would likely kill the game. That's why you don't remove SWF. Just make it unranked and return ranked to what it was built to be. If it is impossible to balance solo and SWF, then you don't attempt to balance them at all. If all you care about is playing with friends then playing in an unranked mode shouldn't have any effect on your group at all.
Make it so you can earn BP and have an option to make that lobby a custom game if wanted where you have full access to map selection and perks for free at the cost losing BP gains.
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The difference being that if survivors whine enough, said killer becomes a joke. Yet all the constant whining about being forced to play SWF just goes unnoticed.
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Solo queue for killers, pretty simple solution. People who dislike SWF have their own queue. People who don't have a problem with SWF can play as normal.
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At the moment weird stuff happens even with no SWF involved, at least in my experience. I've had lobbies where it's confirmable everyone is solo (public profiles + no one showing up on eachother's friends lists on PC) that still get bizarre rank spreads like 2-2-13-14 vs 12, which completely breaks the +/- 6 rank guideline matchmaking is supposed to follow no matter what.
I agree that the way any party with even one red rank survivor pulls everyone away from their lower ranks is a thing though, it is a big part of the reason why killers have long queues at low ranks and short queues at high ranks. I play EU and at most with one other survivor in SWF that's very similar rank as me, so obviously I can't know first-hand how bad it is in lower populated regions as personally I never have an issue finding a match as killer or survivor.
I genuinely believe the players lost if SWF was removed or severely restricted would make it worse than it is or I can imagine it getting though. Not only would it be the removal or restriction of a feature that's expected from a modern multiplayer game with any sort of team play, it would be the removal or restriction of the way a lot of people got introduced to the game in the first place.
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Oh, welcome to 2019 I guess.
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Somehow this is only said when it's about killers. Do you know how stressful, annoying and frustating solo Q can be with all the potatoes? It's no suprise people prefer swf.
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Devs haven't said it was cheating. PERIOD.
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They are following the rules though. You may not feel it's fair. You're not really wrong. But it's still allowed with the rules of the game.
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Except que times would be absurd if we split the player base like that.
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I'm perfectly fine with that. It gives everyone what they want.
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Until too many people quit because they can't get a game.
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I'd rather wait. Why not give players an option?
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Because 80% of killers would probably turn off "Can match with SWF".
Really I'd rather just get a BP bonus for VSing a SWF (25% bloodpoints per survivor grouped up in SWF) so killers have less reason to dodge.
Former killer main who now plays both. I play SWF sometimes but usually SWF is literally just me and a friend playing the game together. Yes we have an advantage over comms. ("He has ruin!" "I'm healing this David." "Totem is in the shack." "He has sloppy/third seal/Franklin's." "I'm hearing the TR and it's not Myers, Huntress, Demogorgon, or Oni." "I see a Jigsaw Box, it's Pig." "God pallet was used up")
We're not a Survivor Team Six team and we never go in like "Lol we're gonna run sabo and Object Of Obsession, 99 every hook, and when the baby killer goes to hook you I'm gonna drop the hook and teabag. Then I'm gonna unhook you, I'm gonna run into a locker, I want you to lead the killer to my locker, and when he downs and picks you up, you're gonna DS him, I'm gonna Head-On him, then I want you to flashlight him as the other guy pops the last gen for adrenaline, LMAO epic win dude gonna put this on my 360 juke montage" or something stupid like that.
I'm not denying Survivor Team Six teams/Bully Squads exist though since they 100% exist. Most SWF are just people casually playing with a friend. It's only people with .TV in their name or 4-mans I dodge, since they have a significantly higher chance of being the type of people who'd bring a Haddonfield Offering with a 4-man Balanced Landing squad and BNP's before it was nerfed.
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The same can be said regarding new players. Who would honestly want to stick around when you get SWF groups that have experience and make you look like an absolute joke. At the very minimum there should be something in place to stop you facing SWF groups until you hit a certain rank. Even then i don't think it's enough. Unfortunately though the game is catered for survivors so its just a pipe dream.
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Lobby is taking 30 plus minutes with 3 players.