Is matchmaking ever going to get fixed?

I know there are countless threads about it but this doesn't seem fair at all. He had a very bad game despite Ruin being up for pretty long and couldn't really catch anyone except the solo player.

I remember reading something about a change regarding matchmaking, that there could be a 6 rank difference between Survivor and Killer? I can't remember exactly what the change was but if that's true, that seems far from balanced. I felt really bad for this Killer.

I want to add btw: Last time i played Killer was at the end of November last year, so i'm back at green ranks. After going against quite a few green rank killers, i'm not looking forward to playing Killer again at all because having played at red ranks as Killer myself, i am fully aware how stressful it is.

Most recent example in a 3 man SWF:


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Matchmaking is why I never have fun as killer

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    I feel ya!

    Killer isn't actually that much fun, and the higher you get the more stressful it is. No one like playing in the higher ranks, that goes for both Survivors and Killers, BHVR needs to address that.

    When most players of your game don't want to be in the top ranks, there is something WRONG with it.

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    Indeed. About deranking.. I have personally done it myself a few times as Survivor but stopped because you basically have to throw and ruin other people's games for it and sometimes i still ended up pipping.. that's how easy it has become. Despite that, you rank up too fast anyway.

    And with the upcoming Ruin nerf combined with this matchmaking, the average Killer player sure is going to have a lot of fun..

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    They're going to stop you from seeing endgame ranks so you won't know it's even broken anymore 😂

  • epyon
    epyon Member Posts: 78

    Big brains plays. Can't complain bout matchmaking if you can't see rank :D.

    I personally deranked as killer from red 4 to purple 5 but I still get 4 rank 1 survivors. So it's pointless. I just embrace the sweat.

  • herpderp00
    herpderp00 Member Posts: 15

    I have the same question. Is it ever going to be fixed or are they just going to pretend that nothing is wrong? Even hiding ranks to hide that matchmaking is broken smh

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Unfortunately that would actually be the matchmaking system working as intended! its designed to be +/-6 ranks. So at rank 5 you coukd be matched with anything from rank 1 to rank 11. As bad as that system is, the matchmaking is pairing up people far outside those parameters!

  • epyon
    epyon Member Posts: 78
    edited January 2020

    +/- 6 ranks is 30% of total ranks. Also the difference between rank 1 game and rank 11 game is unbelievable. Getting rank 11 and lower means that I will at least get at least 3k with meme builds. Playing vs ranks 10-20 as a purple/red killer is just sad for both parties.

    Same goes for survivor. As a red ranked survivor I can get rank 20 killer which is both unentertaining for me and a disaster for him.

    Bottom line, I agree, matchmaking is a joke.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    it's ridiculous...

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    They hide SWF teams groups, ranks are going to be hid, they make it easier for surviors to get to red ranks... They are fixing the matchmaking by making ranks almost meaningless.

    Play solo survivor or killer and you'll have an interesting experience. Play as a swf with known decent players you'll win killer more than lose... play swf with comms and you should never lose. Many have predicted this so don't blame me

  • Infckingcredible
    Infckingcredible Member Posts: 145

    It only affects killers, so probably it won't get fixed within 6 months

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    When i was rank 12 i was getting matched with red rank killers. The matchmaking system is ######### in genral its not only for killer

  • Infckingcredible
    Infckingcredible Member Posts: 145

    But thats most likely swf i assume? Otherwise it shouldn't be more than 5 or 6 ranks difference

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    i cant wait for devs "fix" that will make killers pip as easly as survivors now, so if everyone is red ranks there is no problem with matchmaker :)