Why keys are getting annoying!
I'm a purple/red rank killer and ive noticed every game i play, they escape with a key! I never get a pip because i lose them even when i hook and sacrificed 2 of em every game ive played its nothing but keys so while i can run franklins its more of a waste for a key when i can just make then my main focus.
Now they don't even need keys to escape. Just genrush for 5 minutes and you are out
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I mean I get it though. most other items are pretty useless. plus keys are somewhat harder to see so less chances we'd bring Franklin's for it
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The Ruin nerf isn't even live yet so I doubt that's the reason. Keys seem to be used in more matches than mori's from my experience, though I do6have any data to back that up.
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People forget that keys can be saved using addons so can be used for multiple games in a row.
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Doesn't stop people from thinking they're making a "statement" by playing as "toxic" as possible already, and proudly proclaiming it on the forums. At least one poster I saw even "subtly" implied they would intentionally derank to specifically target new players with it too.
Almost like they missed that the only way they can make any relevant statement whatsoever is by not playing or spending any more money on the game.
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Ive only brought moris once but ive had like 5 games in a row with keys
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This is what gets me with all the people screaming 2 kills is balance. 2 kills is a depip. Now with nothing to slow gens at the beginning, popping them and being able to use the key for hatch is going to happen much more. The only way I can control it as killer is if they bring a key and I can counter with an ebony. If they find a key in match not much can be done.
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If anything devout should change to 6 hooks instead of 8 because its to hard to get 8 in lower ranks without someone escaping and with the hex ruin debuff were going to get genrushsd to the f*king ground