Words to kind survivors, (and killers)

Howdy! I’m SithLordLuxray, killer main, (Wraith), on PS4. I want to appeal to the kind souls of survivor mains out there by saying this: There are still good/nice killers out there. Ones who won’t run the same old setup, use an unnecessary mori every match, tunnel, camp, promote toxic behavior, etc. 

I understand the community is in a state of uproar surrounding the state of the game, (I have my own opinions, but those aren’t the main point here). My point is to not assume all killers are the same ‘round here. Personally, I tire of toxic survivors that pop up here and there, acting like I’m their puppet to play with. Trying to make me dance with them all around the map like it’s a broadway musical. But even with my frustration, there’s a golden rule I like to keep. Last survivor always gets out. Even if you’ve been a naughty survivor; if you played well and/or were visibly caring to other survivors, I’ll let you go. (This also applies to scenarios when survivors escape without their downed comrade.) 

I’m not trying to seem like I’m higher up and giving them privileges, I do it out of respect. I want everyone to have a good time while playing the game, so also in a certain aspect, it’s my way of saying “GG”. You’d be surprised how many groups of survivors thank me for playing fair, even if they did lose. No rage from either side, I’ve even made a few friends. (Mostly) everybody goes back to the lobby pleased even if they lost.

 I semi-lurked these forums for a while, but looking closer at how things have turned lately, there’s a noticeable gap between the two sides. Some killer posts say they’re going to quit or play nasty to “get back at survivors”. Some survivor posts in turn, mock the killers saying that they’ll do their own in return to... *ahem* RUIN their day.

That doesn’t get us any closer to a real resolution for the issues we’re facing. So what if the game is a little iffy? That’s no real excuse to tarnish the good times of somebody else who didn’t make that decision for the game, influenced or not. You’re only making the game unfun for everyone in the end. A little maturity and humbleness goes a long way, alright? You want change? Provide clean, constructive criticism to the devs. Foul mouth, incoherent rubbish isn’t going to get their attention the way you want. 

I think I’ve rambled long enough, lost half of what I wanted to say here as is. Apologies for the train wreck of a first post.

TL;DR- Infighting with this community or attacking the devs isn’t helpful. Both sides need to try and respect one another. This is a game. Not war. Share some kindness, and ideas the devs can work with.