When does this crap come out



  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    I didn't have a problem with ruin it was just annoying but once I started memorizing where totems spawned on maps and ran detectives hunch. I always got rid of ruin within the first minute or 2.

  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    It's honestly whatever. I stopped using Ruin a long time ago because people were spawning next to my totem more often than not. Still getting 3k-4k.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    You can't say a person doesn't have empathy based on a character play. That's stupid and naïve.

    Also, how are you going to get mad at people for wanting to use the best of what's available? I bet you use NOED and obviously ruin, which are awesome perks (especially when playing a killer that's not your forte or you get a good team of survivors). Anyone with a brain would use what works best for them. They would be dumb not to.

    Imagine if in any other game the best weapon or camo wasn't allowed to be used simply because it was good. lol Makes no sense to get on people for trying to wear colors that match the environment in a survival game or any game really where players kill each other.😂 You should expect them to. And before you say anything, when I play survivor I play Meg. You just seemed like the type so I'm putting that out there.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I like all these killers saying they're bringing NoEd. As soon as I see a killer doing bad, I focus on totems to make sure all are broken before the last gen is done. Because they always have NoEd when they play terribly without Ruin.

    And to help your list, red rank killers on PS4 DC because:

    They get blinded.

    They lose a Survivor.

    They can't find a Survivor.

    They get run around for too long.

    1-2 gens get done before they downed someone.

    Ruin gets found too soon.

    Devour gets found too soon.

    Surviver hits their DS.

    They get pallet stunned when carrying a Survivor.

    They don't like Survivors offerings.

    Last gen is completed.

    Doors have been opened.

    And that's not even adding in all the lobby dodging because of items held, and cosmetics worn.

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    Majority of killer mains are pretty much starting to be a disgrace to this game.

    They are harassing anyone who oppose them and threatening the developers.

  • gorgono1
    gorgono1 Member Posts: 43

    Unbelievable how delusional some players are. Even with ruin up survivors do 2 gens in 2 min. With ruin gone, the gens will be flying.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited January 2020

    I uncorked you and your team both as Ghostface and Crapper, you're no in no position to call out anyone about anything. Maybe try actually playing the game and learning, instead of pulling the cable.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,632

    In fact you only camped, tunneled and BMed the whole game, assuming that we were a 4 man SWF (which we were not) and accusing me of DCing in your games (which was also not the case). Sad creature.

    Dont wonder when you lose all Gens when you camp a Hook like that.

  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254