If there are 4-5 gens and 1 Survivor still alive....
Hatch shouldn’t spawn at all.
And End Game Collapse should start after 10 seconds from the third Survivor’s sacrificing.
Its fair if Survivors were dominated so much.
What do you think?
You’re not entitled to a 4K if you don’t manage to find the hatch first. It’s a 50/50 chance, so it couldn’t be more fair.
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You're not entitled to a free escape
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You seems to be so Survivor main.
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The game already has been won. Killers need to stop conditioning themselves in that they are to get a 4K to win.
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Hatch is a mechanic used to pamper survivors who had a bad game.
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Hatch is a mechanic allowing a free escape for doing nothing.
The only exception is Mori, it’s stupid advantage. At this point yeah, hatch should spawn.
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You seem to be a killer main
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I disagree, Hatch conditions could be changed a bit but I believe that would be the wrong direction.
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With 4-5 gens left to complete on your own you don't deserve even a chance for an escape
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Sorry, but I play both sides.
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No, it’s too hard.
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You didn't do nothing to earn it? You think bumbling around like a beg is earned? Hatch is and always will be there to handhold people like you.
Your logic is flawed what you said is if the killer trashes you that bad that you can't even get a single gen the killer isn't entitled to the full house? If you don't do a single gen you suck and you deserve the death period hatch isn't a escape it's pity.
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Did you really have to call him a dumbass?
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And you seem to be a killer main, when I play then both equally. Just because I don’t agree with you it doesn’t mean that.
See, I’m not talking about keys and stuff. In the scenario you gave, the hatch didn’t even spawn yet, it only does when the 3rd guy gets sacrificed, so I don’t see the problem here. It’s a pure case of luck.
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If there are still 4 or 5 Gens to go, you won. No reason to be entitled for a 4K.
Besides that, Hatch spawns in this case for Hostage Situations. Good luck finding a Survivor who decides that he does not want to be found when you dont have Whispers.
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Ooh, dat sweaty player!
It’s not about earning anything. This game is BUILT around RNG, don’t you get that? Best of luck to whoever finds the hatch first.
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The entitlement is strong with this one.
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How is it fair if you played better than survivors to that extent where they got 1 (or none) gens done, and they still have the opportunity at a free escape?
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I think you probably missed the point Bean, the thing is not about the killer being entitled to a 4k, the thing is that why should the last survivor have the chance to escape if he and his team didn't do A SINGLE GEN? Having the opportunity to open the gate I think is one thing, but free 5k BP just for finding an object... lol... If you still don't get the point, why don't we remove generators all together and give the killer ultra speed, so every1 searches for the hatch and whoever finds it 1st, wins?
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The thing is you can have no win for that, you can actually have a black pip or even depip in some situations (Survivors abusing dc’s so killers emblems are hurtled so much).
Killer MUST HAVE a chase at the end to have higher chances to pip or win, especially as Hillbilly or Plague for instance.
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How about this you can have hatch but you forfeit the points to the killer otherwise it's gonna continue being handholding that essentially robs a killer so give us your points.
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I’m pointing out every reason I think it’s fair while you seem to be the one to want that 4K so bad when you already won the game
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3k is not a guaranteed win bcs emblems are dumb.
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You dont seem like a guy where a discussion makes sense, so I will give you one reply, your behavior in this and other threads did the rest:
I would be totally fine with the Hatch giving the Killer all the points and Emblems for a 4K, because he did not lose. But thats just me, saying this would be the best and easiest solution for years.
If you play well (lots of Hooks, quick chases, Gatekeeper will be great with 4-5 Gens), there should not really be an issue with pipping up.
If you get only a few hooks because you decide to slug everyone and try to onehook everyone, there is the question if you really deserve to pip, because this is quite a low way of winning.
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The hatch is a necessity. If someone really wanted to, the last survivor could theoretically last in a match forever, sneaking around a giant map avoiding the killer and not touching the generators.
Infact that used to be the case before the EGC happened, where there had to be 2 gens completed before the hatch would spawn, making it so the last survivor would have to repair gens and of course revealing their location, and so a large amount of survivors would do just that, hide it out and drag out the match
Is it annoying killing the 3rd survivor and then the 4th instantly gets the hatch? Of course, but its better than running around going locker to locker, looking behind every rock. Plus, if there at 4/5 gens left still, its just luck of the draw, theres been matches where i get the 3rd guy, and the hatch just spawns in front of me and i instantly close it.
Only issues i have with it is the arbitrary loss of Devout emblems, and the survivors who just sit on a spawned hatch waiting for the others to die, or sitting at an open hatch so they can wait for the killer to arrive and watch them leave
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Then blame the emblems not the hatch. It’s like nerfing Ruin instead of fixing the maps.
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But it's not fair you shouldn't be rewarded for playing #########. You play ######### suffer the consequences of that this is supposed to be a horror game yet it seems to me survivors don't even have to dwell on every little choice they make because of bullshit handholding. Hatch is that participation trophy they give in pity to losers dig?
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Mate just slug the last two if you hate the hatch's rng
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yep, but sometimes there might happen Survivors not playing normally (cocky, sandbagging, suiciding), and bcs of that I want to have a one chase at the end.
Though, with players like that you couldn’t prove yourself and maybe it’s right you don’t deserve a pip.
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I DON’T wanna slug with last 2 guys, it’s too boring.
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Even in horror movies there is still hope in the end, and the hatch does exactly that. Hell, the ENTITY itself feeds on that. So, the hatch is not going anywhere.
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Even in horror movies there’s still hope in the end, the hatch does that. Hell, even the ENTITY itself feeds on that. So, it’s not going anywhere.
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I mean, personally, even before EGC, I would have been totally fine with 3K + Hatch Escape counting as a 4K for the Killer with all Points and Emblems. Back in the day Hatch Stand Offs were a thing and only because the Killer does not want to do a Stand Off, he should not be punished by letting the last guy go via Hatch.
This would have solved so many problems back then. Of course, in a game where the Survivors did what you described, you would most likely not get a Pip even with a 4K, but luckily this is quite rare (at least from my experience).
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What a stalker type reply so essentially you've been actively watching my every move here no? Also I do not care for 'pip' so hatch pity escapees should forfeit bp
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Happens so often in solo queue that one good solo survivor is stuck with three terrible teammates that have little else to do than dying. Anyone remotely well playing would be forced into SWF because constantly being the deserved 4th kill because your teammates were bad isn't exactly fair either.
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I think the hatch aura should be shown to the killer though, still giving a survivor a chance, while also being nice to the killers that did a good job
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This isn't a movie this is a casual party game pretending to be competitive
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Survivors see escaping as a win. And devs nerf killers if the escape %age is too low, but you can win without escaping. So your reason doesnt make sense
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eh... killer has already won... if they couldn't get that last one before they got the hatch or went out the gate, too bad. At least that puts some excitement into a boring match for survivors.
? The killer already won... Who cares what the survivor thinks? This comment makes no sense. If the killer doesn't think they need a 4K to win every match, then what the beep do they care if the last survivor gets out? Maybe some lost points... but queue up and get some more.
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This would be even more luck tbh. And if the Hatch did not spawn before, the Killer has the advantage anyway (higher mobility and no need to hide).
Depends on what you see as a win. I see it as a win when I get a 3K with 4 Gens left, even if I might not pip from it.
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Which means the emblem system needs addressed. Not the hatch.
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At this point, I feel I've already won the game pretty handily, so I don't care much if the last person gets away. I'd more prefer that they do something about the emblem system to properly reflect that I won.
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Yeah buddy, but you still didn't understand lol... It's not about the killer winning or not, it's not about getting a pip, I've played this game for a long time, and I suppose you also have. Giving things for free make ppl lazy, sometimes ppl don't even do gens if it's a 3x1 situation and 1 guy is hooked, or in a 2x1 situation they simply wait for their partner to die because they will get the trap door regardless. I think we couldn't disagree more then... For me having a free easy way out is what makes it boring for the whole game and only exciting for the last seconds.
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It's boring sure, but it works.
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That's like saying that if survivors complete all the gens then the game will just remove progress from last gen and force survivors to do another gen because it wasn't fair for the killer, you know how silly that sounds?
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Why do you think I don't understand cause I don't agree?
The hatch was put in for a reason. By removing that reason simply because the killer overpowered their opponents removes the whole concept of why hatch is there in the first place.
Why be so selfish of a player cause someone got some points for escaping or cause they simply got away and the killer didn't get a 4K. I don't get why a player only thinks about themselves in the match and not the 4 others they are playing with.
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Quote the part I said the hatch should be REMOVED... Btw, I'm not saying you don't understand because you don't agree, I'm saying that cuz in all messages you never responded what I really said, so I'll make it easier... "WHY SHOULD A GUY THAT DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THE WHOLE GAME, BE REWARDED WITH A HATCH WITH 5 GENS UP?", if you didn't understand with caps, I srsly give up, cuz I didn't say anything about killer or about 4k.
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The OP said the Hatch should not spawn. Did you read that first line?
And who cares if the 4th didn't do anything. Find them and kill them... There is counter play to the hatch.
We are discussing what the OP purposed. Not what you are talking about.
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Sits in the corner of the map whole game spinning in circles.
Everyone dies.
Hatch spawns near you.
"50/50 its fair kIlLeR mAiN"
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4 Gen must be alot harder for the last Survivors to escape than less Gen left. I agree 5 Gen left should not spawn the hatch. For me
- 5 Gen: no hatch, Killer gain ability to see the last Survivor at all time
- 4 Gen: no hatch, EGC start immediately, the last Survivor has to escape by the Gates
- 3 Gen: like the current game state
- 2 Gen: Destroy a totem will grant the last Survivor 100% to get a Key in the next chest.
- 1 Gen: the last Survivor 100% to get a Key in the next chest.
Sounds easy and all at 1-2 Gen, but finding a totem & a chest then the hatch in 2min is a hard work earned.