Hits needs to be fixed!

i'm not talking about hits in general now, but thats a issue too. i'm talking about hits being hits as long as it is a hit on the killers screen... normally that would be fine, but i'm sick and tired of killers with 300+ ping being able to hit me from miles away, when i get stun points and and the pallet is fully dropped. i run away from that pallet, then i get hit only to see behind me that the killer is then being stunned at the pallet :/ dont register hits on the killers client. i should not be punished because the killer has ######### internet... in games like this i ust kill myself on the hook. it should never be a advantage to have ######### internet!
This is why the community asked for dedicated servers in the first place as it was worse when a killer or survivor in the match had bad internet. (Only Xbox is on p2p now)
While the servers are not perfect on live atm and cause a lot more hits to happen which feel like they shouldnt the changes on the ptb have made it a lot better imo. While its not guaranteed to go live with the mid chapter patch as yet it shows the progress being made and that they are almost there.
There is an issue right now with some desync issues on servers causing laggy games and some are using vpn's to bypass the region restrictions which can make hits seem even worse that normal.