So balanced landing dead

Another exhaustion nerf and nobody using this perk anymore. Dead hard still has bugs(exhausted btw), lithe is bad, sprint burst is okay, head on is troll.What can i do in chases? Just running straight until i die?
balanced landing is still a good perk it can easily get you out of tough situations well for one time lol
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BL is trash. And it does not fix the problem in the slightest, you will still have a hard time on Haddonfield or other Maps, where BL was something which helped a lot (this cannot be denied), but was never the Core Problem.
I use Dead Hard and pray that it works.
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Well is that what you did before, just running straight and using Balanced Landing?
I saw enough Balanced Landing Perks yesterday, it's far from dead from my experience.
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It was nerfed, but it's far from dead. I'd still consider it the best exhaustion perk for the timing being. It was just brought more in line with the other exhaustion perks which it was severely outperforming prior to the nerf.
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Balanced is still a very good exhaustion perk. If you can't figure out a way to make any of them help you maybe try playing killer and see if that suits you more. But honestly over 90 percent of the maps you don't need an exhaustion perk. You can make it from loop to loop quite easily without any.
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You can not be a bot and use the 3 thousand pallets and windows the map has, and sprint burst is not ok, it is an awesome perk.