Gen times aren't the problem...

The problem this game has, is that the maps are too big, lighting needs an overhaul, totem placements need to be revamped and actually hidden, fog offerings removed, and a COMPLETE ranking change.

I have been thinking this for some time, gens are the most noninteractive part of this game, increasing the times will just be a bandaid fix for what the real issue is with this game. Maybe the ruin nerf and lerys change was the devs realizing what needs to be done and are acting on it, but slowly. I'm sure it would take a long time to overhaul maps to become actually consistent in sizes.

Let me know what you guys think. Should gen times be increased as a bandaid, for now? Or should we really try to let the devs know what would be best.

Also, can corn be shorter? It's so difficult to see through and tracking is impossible without audio. I mean, who the heck is maintaining the corn to look so damn nice? Weeping corn would be cool too...


  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    However, I do agree that toolboxes are problematic. The ones that grant extra charges are the most problematic (commodious is actually disgusting with the repair speed addons). A nerf to toolboxes will be wonderful too!

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    I agree but then gen times become the problem for another reason.

    The devs (seem) to only be changing 1 map every 6 months. This process unless resources are heavily shifted will take years.

    That means gens are the simpler band aid fix.

  • MarksmanSpecal
    MarksmanSpecal Member Posts: 117

    Totally agree.

    Maybe dont lit the hex totems, so no one knows, which is the correct one, should bring additional time. And, of course, reworking the placement, i usually spawn once a day next to a hex totem.

    Adding time to the boring M1-simulator is definitly not the best way to try to balance the game.

    The gen times are just ######### up when the good toolboxes are equipped.

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    Because the community hasn't been vocal about these changes until recently. It's also not the easiest to balance maps and since there are a lot that need to be revamped, PLUS the addition of new ones.

    The simpler ones imo, that aren't that hard to implement are: Totem placement changes and toolbox nerfs. At least it will remain more interactive for the survivors.

    If that shows to not be enough, then yeah, maybe an increased gen time will help for the moment.