"Learn to Play The Game."

Has anyone else gotten this message when playing as killer. I would get 4ks and get 28K BP and have survivors tell me to learn how to play the game. What do they mean by this?
It is survivors book rule number 9 for killers: learn how to make survivors game fun.
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They must be talking about you doing conducts most survivors find toxic.
- Tunneling
- Camping
- Insta moriing with Ebony
Besides those three anything else is good for them
Now, not that you care, but when I'm killer I avoid doing the three things I just mentioned excepting if someone dared to teabag... Not cause of me trying to be nice to them, but cause of me wanting the double pip 4k as killer every game
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Look it's clear. They mean that you did something they don't like and they don't like you as a killer. They find you annoying, sweaty, etc. I'm not taking shots at you but that's really what survivors think when they say that.
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Its survivor code for "you did a thing I didn't like". This is the only game I've played where the enemy thinks they have a say in what you do or how you play. It's honestly pretty pathetic.
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What did you do? NoED a Claudette who did the objective all game, with you Hillbilly sawing/tunnelling everyone else?
I'd tell you to learn how to play if you were relying on cheap crutches like that. Especially at high Purple ranks.
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You didn't follow the rule book for dead by daylight.
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It means the same exact thing as "git gud" usually sent to anyone who's salty or bragging. Just ignore it 👍
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