Facts about yourselves!

Inspired by this https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/120423/weird-facts-about-yourselves#latest
I decided to make a forum asking some facts about you guys!!! (Also I love the creator of that forum)
Fun fact about me,I wanna be a Dev! Not specifically for dbd but I would like to! I fear microorganisms. I can express myself better in English than my native language (which if you want me to reveal you I don't mind)
My pov is smaller than the average person, it's 3/4
How about you? Let me know below!
Might as well post some more on here
I prefer the russian language over american
I used to have Tachypsychia, which affected my perception of time
I have a liking towards balancing, one of my favorite things to do is think about how to balance something
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I recently came out as transgender. I love history. My favorite killer is The Hag. English is my first language but I'm learning German. What's your native language, @CLAUDETTEINABUSH ?
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I am obsessed with running!
I was hit by a car when I was 5, which causes my right eye to be smaller than my left (was badly injured in my right eye)
I have mycophobia, the fear of mushrooms.
I am training to become a professional esports player in a game which isn’t dbd.
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I can really only think of three things atm but if anything else pops up, I'll be sure to either edit this post or make a new one.
I absolutely DESPISE when I see a hair in my food. I've gotten better at dealing with it in recent years but when I was a younger and saw hair in my food, that's it, I lost my appetite completely.
Like I said in my 1K post celebration, I've never had a single date in my life. ;_;
When I was a kid I for some reason stole spoons from my school. xD This was back when they still used metal spoons so, lets just say, we had a LOT of spoons growing up .
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Stealing!?!? That isn't very wholesome of you!
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IKR. If it was the forks I’d understand, but the spoons?!?!? That is horrible behaviour.
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I'll keep it short here and add later:
My mom had cancer before having me and wasn't supposed to have children, she was in a relationship where my birth dad tried to kill her with me inside.
I shouldn't have been born.
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And this from the beloved leader of the Wholesome Harem!
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I was a kid in kindergarten or first grade! :(
Also, funnily enough, I think they were using plastic forks at the time. xD
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Plastic? Oh okay that's fine.
Also being a kid. That also explains it.
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Still really into dinosaurs, aspiring paleontologist. Spinosaurus is the best dinosaur, fight me.
Least favorite killer to play is Hag.
Thinking about streaming some Alien Isolation on Mixer in the future while attempting to get the One Shot achievement on Nightmare difficulty. If anyone is interested let me know.
When I was around 4 or 5, my grandmother had a snowman head candle holder. She had it on a TV, and I was too short to reach it, but I really wanted to see it or hold it, something like that. Instead of asking for help, I tried to reach for it myself, and ended up spilling hot melted wax all over my head. We then spent all afternoon trying to get the wax out of my hair. Gave my grandmother and mom a near heart attack.
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I had something like that happen to me before
Except it looked like I broke my nose when being thrown into a wall and only almost gave my mother a near heart attack
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Similar,hot water in my shoulders at the age of 3
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Greek,my native language is Greek. I usually try to keep it a secret but since I can disappear without anyone noticing,I really don't care.
Fun fact,I also did surgery and cuz a big muscles from my eyebrows and made it smaller. I could see the surgery happening right in front of my eyes!!! Spoooooky
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Ooh, that's cool! Speaking Greek and seeing surgery on yourself XD
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I have dysgraphia
My favorite color is pink
My favorite tree is a cherry blossom
My dream is to be a father
I’m 15 years old
I’m gay
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The therizinosaurs are scary-looking late Cretaceous theropods from Asia and North America. They were probably not carnivorous, despite their nightmarish Freddy Krueger claws. These unusual dinosaurs had a small skull and leaf-shaped teeth but lacked teeth in the front half of the upper jaw
Fight me
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I really like Therizinosaurs as well. Big scary Freddy Krueger chickens. But like come on, giant semi-aquatic duck dinosaur!
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I ate cigarette ashes and candle wax as a child... I was bored okay?
I have almost 3k hours in DbD
I'm 18 and graduating high school in the summer.
I don't usually go to sleep til 2 am. Mainly because I pass out right when I get home from school.
I'm a gay dude.
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5 days away from being 18
Boosted swole boi with long hair
I tend to come across as someone with a heart of gold due to my protective nature of people
My protective nature transfers in game, I always try to sacrifice myself to save people
I love Metallica, Deep Purple, Alice In Chains, Pink Floyd, Jonathan Coulton (RE: Your Brains), All That Remains.
You could probably guess that I'm a Jeff/David main
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I also have dyslexia,disgraphia specifically,and one other thing I can't remember rn :3
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I also have dyslexia, it can become annoying at times. 😂
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It wasn't cool dude. Scary and it stays in your mind forever and ever. I could never be happier xdddd
Also speaking Greek isn't much for me,I find this language important but not as cool as English. Me and my friends always speak English,none of them play dbd tho :(
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Oh btw I didn’t mention the parentheses as I’m not used to complements still
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I have a twin brother and I'm left handed :)
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I had what I can only describe as a near death experience after almost drowning as a child. Luckily I've forgotten a lot of it but I'll never forget regaining consciousness just to start coughing up water.
But hey, it didn't leave me with any big fears or phobias long term. Nowadays I'm actually really into scuba diving. Not really my thing to do it in the cold waters where I live, but any time I travel anywhere warmer I always check if there's any nice sites with trips I can join 🙂
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I'm interested! What game?
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I hate Dogs and I still sleep with a stuff frog
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I'm perfect in every way!
I tend to lie about myself!
I'm always honest when it comes to my lack of flaws!
...Did I mention the lying yet?
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I'm trying to find out what is a lie and what isn't, but this got a laugh out of me
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I'm 16 years old
I don't have a favorite color
I have a number of hours in DBD that probably isn't healthy
I mentioned this one before but might as well mention it again I'm a recent survivor of a cancer diagnosis I got a few years back the odds were in favor of me not surviving but well....I'm here today! So for those of you going through something rough like that don't lose hope anything can happen!
Oh, also I'm interested in Astronomy and cosmology probably wanting one of my careers to involve something along those lines for those who care.
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Well,hope helped me in a lot of things so.....
Guess ur a survivor main then xd
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Since you said "transgender" do you mean the surgery that changes your sex right?
If not,then I'm stoopid
If yes,nice m8. Hope you get well soon since you said "recently"
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It means I identify as one gender (female) but was assigned a different one at birth (male). I recently came out, which means I accepted that I'm a girl and told some people that. What you're thinking of is Sex Reassignment Surgery, which is when surgeons reconstruct your genitals to align with your gender identity. It's something that many trans people have, but many trans people aren't able to access that.
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Understood,sorry for missunderstanding. I'm also asking because, ironically,I have a transgender friend in discord and we talk a lot,just wanted to be sure!
Thanks AAAAA
I'm currently drawing a new pic for one of my forums. Hope it becomes good!
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No problem! I can't speak for the whole trans community, but I I don't mind any questions as long as they're asked sincerely
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Idk if I am right but I think that I am higher than I should, I am 14 and have 173 centimeters
I have hematophobia and I don't like hight places
I have a special ability that is RAGE EVERYTHING
Never had a girlfriend Ç-Ç
And I already got hit by a bike
Also when I was 5-6 years old almost got hit by almost every cars, bus, trucks or motorbikes(wasn't intentional)
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I'd like astronomy too
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I find astronomy as fake science:3
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You don't believe the sun exists?
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Do you mean astrology?
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Say sike right now
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I was clearly joking -_-
I just don't like astronomy