Is Huntress if very well played, the best killer on the game?



  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2020

    No, because even the best Huntress is one mistake away from losing a game. She sucks on a ton of maps, she cannot apply a lot of map pressure on large maps or even smaller maps with a lot of LoS breakers, she gets punished on some maps that cannot have or easily have hatchets thrown over some loops.

    There are so, so so many things that can make a Huntress just lose and do badly, even the best Huntress' will tell you it. If you're playing against real potatoes, like any killer, she absolutely rekts them if you have decent aim.

    The best killer played 100% optimal (which is also 99% unlikely) is still Nurse. Billy can apply a lot of map pressure but the reality is he can be easily looped, especially if survivors play safe, and especially if they assume/know you run Enduring/SF. I would say Huntress is definitely right up there in terms of how practical she is, so I wouldn't say she's not, but the situations for her to be so are very, very few or simply irrelevant when you'd do the same with another killer, too.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Mid Tier. Too slow.

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204
    edited January 2020

    I don't know, huntress can down good survivors very fast. If you select your chases well, hit some snipes, and play with brain...

    I have my opinion on Huntress considering I'm one of the players that has more hours with her.

    Nurse without addons now... She can be outrun pretty easily. On small maps she is probably godly but on normal size maps mmm

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    I'm not arguing that Freddie isn't good, because he is. I'd argue that at this point he's either the second or third best killer in the game. I'm just saying he doesn't have a power on a borderline nonexistent cooldown that ignores every loop in the game instantly for consistent hits. That's S tier. Freddie is A tier for sure, possibly even the top of A tier. But at the end of the day, Nurse stands on her own, even with nerfs.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2020

    You could make a case for either Nurse or Spirit being better than Freddy, but they are all definitely 100% the top 3 killers.

    Freddy might not be AS strong in a chase as either the other 2, but he is way stronger in a chase than all the other killers. The only killers who rival his chase potential (as in tied with not superseding) are Clown and Huntress. But he is way stronger than them because a chase is not all that matters.

    Compared to Spirit or Nurse, Freddy has more map pressure and more utility with his kit. Spirit is pretty much pure chase machine. Her map pressure is solid, but is dependent on add-ons and the size of the map/position of the gens. She can suffer in some cases here. Same with Nurse. Unless she has range add-ons, she loses map pressure on bigger maps. Freddy however always has maximum map pressure because he can teleport clear across the map. He also has add-ons that can help slow down the game, and the fact you are Oblivious when asleep gives him an auto-counter to BT which is huge. He also has semi-stealth potential if you are awake since you can't see him until he is within a certain range. Freddy has so many useful tools it's hard to ignore them all and just say "well Spirit/Nurse are better at a chase so they are better killers".

    So while Spirit/Nurse have him outmatched in this one aspect of the game, he beats them in several other aspects while not falling too far behind in the former aspect either.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion, I just personally think that no killer can rival Nurse's ability to end a game. Freddie has map control with the ability to travel to gens, but Nurse can travel from survivor to survivor instantly, chaining downs together at insane speeds. If you run a build with infectious on a small map, you can win before half a gen gets done. That's the reason I consider nurse in a class of her own.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    If maps become better and have less obstructions and obstacles then Huntress would be the best killer in the game, but as of now I see her as top 4 with GF, Spirit, and Nurse being above her.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381
    edited January 2020

    Huntress is about as good as the survivors you're against allow her to be and is also highly map dependent. I personally think that Nurse, Hillbilly, Oni (from 3.5.0 and onwards), Spirit, Hag, Demogorgon and Freddy are better and here's why I think this ;

    Although Huntress has a strong chase power, she's a 4.4 m/s killer which means that she becomes highly susceptible to large maps (think Rotten Fields, Mother's Dwelling, Disturbed Ward), strong structures (Grim Pantry, Wretched Shop, Haddonfield, Badham) and is highly reliant on having a map that actually gives her proper LoS to make plays that would actually allow her to be good.

    In addition to this, players who know how to play around a Huntress generally know a good number of tricks she can pull off which allows them to easily run one on a chase for a long time. Meaning if somebody knows how a good Huntress plays, you're now just a 4.4 m/s killer with an occasional zoning tool which is especially true on super safe maps such as coldwind farm. To top it all off, Huntress gets crippled by Dead Hard (for distance or to make up for losing a 50/50 mindgame at a pallet/window) and Object of Obsession which makes it so she can pretty much no longer make any cool shots on the person with the perk.

    This is why I believe (if played well) that Nurse, Hillbilly, Oni (again 3.5.0+), Spirit, Hag, Demogorgon and Freddy are better. Nurse, Spirit and Hag in specific can make plays for themselves without waiting for a survivor to make a mistake. On the other hand, Hillbilly, Oni, Demogorgon and Freddy all feature some form of high mobility along with a chase power which can allow them to pressure a game way better than Huntress can in the average match, this is also not to forget to mention the fact that all of these killers have way more perk synergies than Huntress too, providing for more unique playstyles.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    What build does this player use, and is this player just you humbly bragging haha ;p ?

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