As a survivor AND killer player, stop calling it gen rushing. What should we do?


Seriously, I know it's the cool thing to say but people literally copy paste that nonsense.

End game chat against a trapper he said "gen rushing is sooo fun," and yes he had been using Ruin. I asked politely, "instead of doing gens what should we have done?" and there was never a reply.

Keep in mind we basically unhooked each other instantly, healed each other and then worked on gens. All solo survivors too BTW.

So for anyone that says Gen Rushing is a real thing, I ask you the same question. What else should we have done? Also for the record, I think gen speed is too fast, but we can;t fix that so again what should we have done?


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Gen rushing is going into the match with green toolbox and the speed addons. Maybe brand new parts aswell...

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    weak bait. BNP was nerfed so bad it's a lame addon to pick.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Which is why I said maybe. Because it isn't as bs strong as it used to be.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I kind of agree though, IF IF IF anything can be called gen rushing it's survivors going in with toolboxes, BNP and maybe prove yourself? But then still you're just trying to get your job done faster.

  • dragobv
    dragobv Member Posts: 304

    remember 4 man old bnp thats genrush

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    Killer mains are flat out not used to survivors repairing. I played some solo survivor yesterday with rank reset...

    I kept not being able to tell if they were farming with the killer or just didn't know what gens are.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    i mean i call gen rushing while playing survivor, if i can increase my repair speed 30%+ by a toolbox and add-ons not including working on it with others, prove thyself and streetwise for extra charges... that is gen rushing, i feel you are more survivor player and try to bait it or just dont quite understand, forever freddy add-ons went to about 15% (green and yellow add-on) but my toolbox already has 30%? like good luck stopping me without corrupt, even then youre just buying time, but now imagine 4 of those... yeah gen rush... having said that some people do over use the term, but without ruin or corrupt a decent and smart team will destroy you easily, sorry but thats just stats from someone who knows the %`s and isnt afraid to admit playing survivor is easier

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,005

    You're missing the point. Gen rushing is real, but it's not exclusively at the fault of survivors. It's the basic game design. The fact that you only have one objective to complete is an issue in itself. That's only made worse when you have perks and toolboxes that can speed that up even further, and in some cases, even actively encouraged.

    We as Killers know you only have one objective. Those that see the big picture don't blame you, Survivors, for completing it. But using your example with Trapper, he has to transverse the map several times in order to access his power. Now, tag on maps the size of Nebraska. By the time he actually gets set up, three gens will pop. He'll get two, maybe three decent chases, and the other two pop, gates open, entity displeased.

    Again, a lot goes into gen rushing. Most of the problem is on the devs and how they balance. Some is on Survivors, who will run builds for the most efficient gen popping strat, at the expense of the killer player. So, take of that as you will, but just understand, if you don't bring four toolboxes, you're not to blame for gen rushing.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    for example: "a Commodious Toolbox with Socket Swivels and Instructions makes you repair 30% faster, and it'll typically last you the whole game (if your teammates are helping with gens). That'll bring a solo generator down to ~61.5 seconds. An Engineer's Toolbox will take it down further to ~57 seconds, though it'll run out much faster." stated by the wonderful peanits in another post. just for further evidence

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    I agree it is a little odd. There is one objective so there isn't much else to do. Of course the killers objective is to kill and if you don't do that in the "correct" way then you're called a tunneler, a camper, sweaty try hard etc. I think people as a whole are just weird.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    This is probably the only game I've ever seen when each side shames the other for focusing on their objective. Truly an interesting community.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,005

    Because of play time. There is no 'respawn' mechanic. You don't die, then pop up at a safe zone and play again. When you're tunneled, or gen rushed, it's done. You need to move on to another match and do it all over again.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I think this is it, they expect us to meme around and poke each other. Like mathematically no match should take 20 minutes

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    I play both and yes there is a such thing as gen rush when the team is smart I've been gens in under 30 seconds with prove thyself , better together (for the random ) and toolboxes which ends games before a killer can get a hook or two as well as I've seen a gen get done before a killer could physically make it to the gen

  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    First off, the match is very rarely in the killer's failure. That's just how the game works. Second, the fact that survivors can go in with the ability to stop a killer's ability to play the game is an extreme show off unbalance

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    So then with that logic there's nothing wrong with Moris? Just trying to get your job done faster.

  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    Isn't that the same thing as tunneling? You're just trying to get your job done faster.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    When people use the term gen rush it's never used in a negative context towards survivors like tunneling or camping is it's normally just used to state how quickly the objectives are being done.

    Of course we don't expect you to do anything else however the time at which the objectives are complete is just a pain

  • gamerscrybecauseofme

    Gen rushing isn't really a thing. Sure, it can happen if organised survivors play against a terrible killer running the meta perks, but it's not the issue trash killers make it out to be. I don't have the stats, but I would say most games last around 12minutes. 4x longer than the gen rush. If a bunch of randoms get into a game and crack out the gens before the killer builds momentum, then it's clearly the killer players fault, entirely. Not map size, killer choice, perk selection, just a complete lack of gameplay smarts on the killer behalf. Don't even worry about it, let them cry!!

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    No, it’s used in negative context with vulgarity. If they wanna aim it at the devs then endgame chat is the wrong place

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Doing Generators is what Survivors should be doing, since it's the primary objective.

    That doesn't mean gen-rush doesn't exist.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Think of it the same way as rushdown playstyles in fighting games. What else should your opponent do? They have to bring your health down to 0, but there are slower ways of doing it and different characters that have other playstyles. Same with DbD. You could do equal amounts of chasing, saving, repairing, healing...or you could sit in the back of the map AFKing on gens with a commodious toolbox without even thinking about interacting with the match or the killer. That's gen rushing, and it's just a way of describing those kinds of players.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Killrush is ok, oh, sorry, I mean tunneling, heh.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    People will stop talking about gen rushing when generators are repaired in a reasonable amount of time. Currently repair speeds are too high, than when in a match with survivors who are good at the game will have the doors powered in a minute and 20 seconds or less of time working on generators.

    That is not me saying the match only lasts a minute and 20 seconds, that is a minute and 20 seconds of touching generators that each survivor can contribute to.

    What people should stop doing, is attacking survivors "for genrushing" when it's just the game that is in poor balance, because survivors can gen rush without even trying if they prioritize the objective.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I dont get why people focus so hard on gens ALL the way through.

    If we get 3 gens done fast and the killer isn’t doing so good then I use our advantage to go do totems. Some survivors insist on rushing the last 2 gens though and screw us with NOED.

    If your team is struggling then by all means rush gens because you dont have much choice but if you have the game in the bag then please do totems.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Geeze. The way you word this makes you sound like a jerk. When killers say "gen rushing" they're talking about how quickly gens get finished.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    And yet no one is complaining when killers get that sweet spot where they snowball. Or the matches where they have a specific slugging build to slow down progress on anything.

    This is why I don’t take the “I got gen rushed” excuse serious. Too many times I have not brought a toolbox at all, and yet I am met with Dying Light/Thana/Sloppy and then they want to slug. But yes let’s continue to cherry pick and only acknowledge that “gen rushing” isn’t fun.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Gen-rushing is simple to define:

    If both sides have an equal skill level.

    When the rate of change on which the survivor completes their objective completely negates the rate of change on which the killer completes their objective.

    Scenario: Gen-rushing

    Killer downs a survivor in 60 seconds and goes for another survivor after the killer hooks that survivor. While hunting the next target, 2 generators are completed compared to the killer, who only got a hook.

    2 generators is roughly 40% of the survivors objective.

    1 hook is roughly 33% of a survivor's total hook state. Each survivor is worth 25% of the killer's objective, so the killer completed 33% of their 25% — which is 8.33%.

    The imbalance is so drastic that if the survivor team keeps it up, it won't even matter what the killer does — the survivor is completing their objective so fast that the killer won't be able to keep up at all.

    That's Gen-rushing in a nutshell! 😁🤗

    Through, I wonder if there's a vocabulary term when the killer completes their objective too fast compared to survivors?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I should every rephrase that when the people I know use the terms.

    That was my bad for the ubiquitous phrasing I don't really speak for everybody

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    imagine if a killer had the ability to increase the speed at which a survivor died on the hook by 30%, wouldnt all of us consider that cheap and unfun to go against?

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,226

    Now add

    • the time difference between "finding a generator" and "finding a survivor"
    • Chase time

    Its quite the difirrence when only comparing hard numbers adding thetimewaster of movement makes it even worse for killers because gens are most often at the same locations unlike our poor potatoes lol.