How would a killer perk that. Allows a killer to see who is on a gen while in a chase?
I know this is pretty stupid. It's just a quick thought as I have to get back to work. But im sure guy guys can make so thing of this. the idea is that that the killer can make a decision to stick to a chase or move on to a different chase immediately removing somone from a gen.
Say it may only activate if a Chase last for to long?
:P don't hate
It doesn't, if you're looking away from the loop you're currently engaged in, 90% of the time you'll lose speed by veering out of the tight lane, meaning you just reset your loop.
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What I was going for is like, slow killers can pick up this perk so if they run Into a ( master looper ) and the chase starts to Carrie then the killer can see and go to a new target waisting less time.
Say if a Chase goes on, and you end up passing a surv working on a gen close by. You can see either the gen being worked on ( gen gets highlighted ) or the surv ( aura ) and possibly catch the next surv off guard. ( Land a hit ) bad?
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Then it's a wasted perk slot. In higher ranks, that next surv is just as likely to know how to loop and waste your time, meaning that when you switch, you just gave up all the time you spent chasing the first guy, which you cannot afford to do.
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Meh, I tried :p
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Yeah, you've already put more thought into the balance than the devs so gg