Can someone please explain ghost face to me? I swear when I play as ghost face a survivor breaks me out of stalk just by being on the map. When I play against ghost face I can't break him out of stalk to save my life. What am I not getting here?
BeCaUsE rEvEaLiNg GhOsTfAcE iS sO HaRd
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It obviously isn't since the survivors that play against me do it with ease. I'm just an idiot that cant figure it out lol.
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Nah man. I was just making a joke.
People complain constantly about how ghostface is annoying because "it's impossible to reveal him". Meanwhile...I do it consistently every time I face him. From like, miles away. "It's so hard, though".
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ahhhh, so i'm too dumb to be able to break ghostface and too dumb to pick up on your joke. Thanks for making me feel worse lol
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Don't let your body block the reveal attempt on him. Third-person view actually hinders the reveal process to some extent. Best way to practice is to find him chasing someone and break him out then. Record it if you can and figure out where you are having issues in your reveals.
I honestly don't have much problem breaking him out unless he's running that one nasty add-on which really cuts the distance down (don't play him so can't remember the name). Otherwise, I normally win the stareoff, or miss it by a half second or so, and that earns me the right to get tunneled a bit. Ghostface's are REALLY touchy about you breaking them out of stealth.
Entity help you if you are a passive observer in a chase and break him out of stealth. I've gotten facecamped a couple times for that. It is funny AF though. There's usualy a second or two of Ghostie staring at me before he comes to take my soul. You can almost feel the raw fury and frustration.
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Wait...so if he is say in front of me to where I can see...lets say his right half of his body, with his other half blocked by my body standing there...that will interfere? If so I think this may be my issue lol.
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it just doesn't make any sense at all its arguably the most broken thing in the entire thing in the game (broken as in doesn't work correctly)
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Yes. Almost positive on this because I had the same problems when I first started playing against him. Now though, I keep his entire body exposed in front of me without my player body blocking any of it, and he gets revealed really easily.
I actually recorded some matches because some reveals felt like I was doing the exact same thing, but other times it wasn't working. I noticed my body blocking parts of Ghostie when I couldn't get the reveal. Adjusted that little bit and now as long as I see him, I can usually get him out of stealth.
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The reveal mechanic is broken in general. Sometimes you will go "how did I reveal him?" and other times be like "how am I not revealing him?"
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It's not easy, and I don't know if it's bugged but I'ld recommend you that if you're standing that you crouch, it might buy you some time. And for revealing ghostface... he needs to be at the middle-center of the screen in order to reveal him.
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Its like heckling a performer, your ruining my act guy cut it out.and now I have to walk around like a lame terror radius all over the place, cant a guy just kill in peace ?