Playing Killer is anxiety inducing

I know I know over talked about subject but my god... I tend to Survivor main as it is but once in awhile i want to jump in a mori then hell outta people with all my saved up mementos
Currently I just finished a round where ;me a R14 vs four R4's; ( great match making BHVR) after chasing someone one pallet to the head i begin getting taunted I got a Quinten but dancing and a claudette pointing at me so i go after the claudette 3 generators later i smack her down a steve runs over tries to save her i smack him start the chase and before i know it all 5 gens are done. Claudette and steve die on hooks which i then recieve blasts in my DMs saying "Of course legion carries NO-ED" "Try being an actual killer for once you fggt" and of course the usual 25 spam messages hoping to crash the game. I kill the Quinton from the beginning with Rancor and then snatch a meg whos been hatch sitting for a good minute.
In the end all four kills left me with a head ache, a pounding heart, 35 or more messages of git bettr, and 11k bp.
Is this what its like to play killer now? Granted I havent touched this game for at least 4 weeks but ive never had a game where the survivors start the bs immediately
First timer?
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Players get salty...
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Player killer is hard. Its stressful as F***. I play both survivor n killer more killer because lobby's are crazy long 10min or 7min. Killer is like 15 seconds the most. (Ps4) for the most part i notice as a survivor a killer well "face camp" when they suck or they are new. Dont get me wrong it does happend in the low ranks but not as often. Now playing killer its hard. I play rank 2 n 1. Out of 10 games 2 games survivors well kick my ass n yes ill get the clicking n tbag's. Thats just normal i never message ppl killer or survivor....but let me till you survivors are salty! The messages are end less. I just love to play along with it.
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Playing killer is stressful?? I had a survivor match earlier where I looped a legion for a solid 5 minutes while injured while the rest of my team finished gens and only made it out alive because he happened to take a teammate who blindly walked into him while I was running away. He still hit me as I escaped. And you want to talk stress😂 No but I'm a killer main when I do play. I just don't feel like it is stress with that as much I guess
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Where are these messages people send you located at generally? Im on a PC and I don't get them at all.
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Really? I get salt or silence almost every single match when I play killer.
You can face camp all the way to rank 1. Especially with a defensive killer like bubba or hag. Bubba can facecamp with almost impunity if you get someone down early at 5 gens.
It's definitely fun to camp down toxic survivors. I had some streaming legacy claud clicking her flashlight, teabagging at every pallet, and generally just being annoying as crap earlier when I was playing bubba.
Facemped her to dead on her first hook at like 3-4 gens left. And when I watched the steam the guy playing was like "EVERY GAME GOES LIKE THIS DBD IS SO TOXIC" But seriously, what do you expect when you play like that?
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It can be stressful because it actually takes a lot of micromanaging and skill. Survivor is easymode.
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You know what made the game less stressful for killer?
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Welcome to normal killer gameplay, now with 80% faster gen completion
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I can't play solo or killer for too long. Swf just feels more chill because you need not win, you just need to enjoy the game.
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Welcome to being a killer brother/sister! You would think that, survivor's are suppose to feel the anxiety and stress, but they don't simply because of how weak certain killer's are and the fact that the strong killer's are getting nerfed.