Maybe matchmaking itself isn't broke?

Maybe other things are breaking matchmaking?
SWF is in part to blame for matchmaking being broke at the moment since it was changed to match based off the highest ranking member and rank reset no longer resetting past a single tier. This is a combo that drains mid/low ranks of its playerbase to the point of almost non existence.
Rank reset is easy enough to explain. If you no longer get pushed back as far every month then no one will go back to refill mid ranks. Everyone will either stay in low or high ranks for one reason or another. Soon enough this will by itself drain mid ranks of both its Killer/Survivor playerbases more and more every month.
SWF takes that to another level by pulling EVERY SWF into high ranks that much faster. Everyone has that 1 friend who plays more than the others and who will be a higher rank. That guy is dragging every other member of the SWF into higher ranks, draining mid/low ranks. SWF also reduces the total number of possible lobbies due to it being near impossible to mix/match SWF teams. A 2SWF can maybe pair with another 2SWF, but a 3SWF can NEVER be paired with ANYTHING else! This means that each mix/match of SWF group sizes requires more and more total number of lobbies, meaning matchmaking needs that many more Killers. Combo that with mid ranks being drained of its Survivors from rank reset and you have a broken matchmaking that matches low/mid rank Killers with high rank Survivors.
Matchmaking is working as best as it can. But when rank reset isn't resetting the playerbase to refill the ranks and SWF being able to bypass ranking on top of putting higher demands on it something needs to give. Something is going to break and mid/low rank players will likely be the ones to suffer the most from it.
I wonder what would happen if they kept ranks 20-18 where they are (no reset), moved 17-15 down to rank 18, and moved everyone else down to rank 15. Then they could probably have matchmaking with survivors +/- 4 ranks of the killer and games would be more fair, except for a few days after reset, but then the player base would be distributed pretty well resulting in overall short lobby times.
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I think it has more to do with the recent trend and change with killers win condition, and how the post game lobby and pip reward system in turn gives feedback to the killer. Currently playing killer feels bad not because you don't 4k every match, but because games where you did the best you could have, earned a 2k and/or at least 24k bp, you're still barely black pipping or even in some cases, depipping on a 2k. The requirements for high rank killer " wins" vastly out weigh the requirements for high rank survivor " wins" .
And I only say wins in quotations because that's implying you treat a win as getting a pip. Some people don't see that as a win per se, but I'd at least consider it positive feedback on your play.
Killers are getting the rest of the real on feedback. I think the rank disparity is really just.. people who used to be closer to red and purple ranks, but don't put in the extra legwork to eek out that extra pip value. Whether that requires making one survivor have a less than fun game by focusing someone, tunnel or not, and trying to make it a 3v1 asap, some people don't like playing that way. It isn't about the fun of the game since you're deciding right away that this person doesn't get to play. Not necessarily due to their mistakes, but because the killer decided it to be so.
Pipping and ranks really just reflect someones general knowledge of the game. Not how good they are. They know what gets them to that rank. They know what it takes. Does that make them a good player? Not necessarily. It just means they play a way that works really well In the system, or they play a killer that the current system/ meta favors ( like legion. Literally free pips. Long games, mostly 2k's, but free pips nonetheless )
Hopefully we can see something addressing this at some point, because I don't really think that these rank 10~ killers facing ranks 8-1 survivors have always been low rank. I know I used to float rank 4 as killer. Didn't sweat too much. Don't use ruin. Rarely used moris. I'm no expert but I know how to pressure. I just think that killers now just aren't getting the same positive reinforcement from the post game screen. Even if it's just placebo, I think it means more than people think.
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I hope it is broken. When you have relatively new killers (high teens) facing 4 red and/or purple ranked survivors, there is a problem. That's not fun for anyone involved.
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That adds to the problem. Killers being forced to 4k or else in order just pip leads to less high rank Killers. But as more Survivors are pulled into high ranks by SWF and SWF needing more lobbies in total, it only forces mid/low rank Killers to face high rank player if they are ready or not.
There just arent enough mid/low rank Survivors to go around for one reason or another. Matchmaking cant function if it has nothing to work with.
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Matchmaking itself isn't broken. The ranking system/pipping requirements lead to bad killer : survivor ratios on all ranks.
As a consequence, to help with queue times, matchmaking restrictions have been lifted so that everbody gets matched with everyone - no matter the rank.
Then there is also the problem with not enough people playing killer in general, but that's another issue.