Sometimes peoples logic scares me

"Survivors will never escape 100 times in a row"

"A killer can get 100 4k's in a row so they must be fine"

Firstly , the OP is referring to how swf and killers are balanced and used this logic to justify it.

1) against an optimal swf an optimal killer will never win , this can be shown through math88's depip squad. Furthermore they managed to get out in a record time of 3 minutes. All of them.

2 ) those videos showing killers getting 100 wins in a row....they're done by people who know this game inside and out, like scottjund. That isn't representative of the entire killer playerbase, on the other hand people like spacecoconut managed to use hag effectively before her buffs....this doesn't mean she was anywhere near mid-tier just because one person mastered playing the killer

3 ) unless they're done in seperate sessions I doubt ANYBODY would be able to get 100 matches in a row let alone wins due to Que times. Furthermore if you look to noob3's 50 escapes in a row video it's been shown that you don't need a 4 man swf to make escaping a killer easy. Although both people in the swf are highly experienced survivors. However, unlike killer it's far easier to reach this skill ceiling on th r survivor side rather than the killer side


  • RickJames
    RickJames Member Posts: 85

    The argument is that 4 really good survivors all running meta perks will always beat a really good killer if both sides play perfectly.

  • ElementDoom
    ElementDoom Member Posts: 166

    Has anything honestly changed? Every game it's Ruin, BBQ, Enduring on killers. And Ds, Adrenaline, Exhaustion for survivors just like 2 years ago. Every killer that's trying is still playing Billy/Spirit since every recent release has been purposefully lukewarm trash. None of the new perks have made their way into the meta. The game's been in the same state since forever.

    Only noticeable thing that's changed is the sounds being broken and then "fixed" repeatedly (which at this point I'm thinking was just a ruse to nerf killers). And the Nurse getting her "addon rework". I doubt either of those things would've influenced marth much.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    But the argument put across in the topic is that you can’t use X person as an example of killer wins because they have thousands of hours playtime and know the game inside and out.

    He then goes on to say that videos done by Y and Z who have thousands of hours playtime and know the game inside and out prove that survivors can escape over and over again.

    There’s definitely double standards there. Most killers are apparently walking away with at least a 2k average, even the low tier killers.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    If there is a list with all of those Patches, I can look it up. One thing that is clearly noticeable: Ranking changed. People who were Rank 1 Killer during that time were WAY worse than people who are now Rank 1 Killer. I mean, ranking up on both sides is still too easy, but if someone is now Rank 1 as Killer, they will be better than Rank 1 Killers in Marths experiment.

    Furthermore, as written above already - putting basically the highest skilled Survivors as measurement is simply wrong. And this is what Killers often enough do - they want to balance around high Rank Survivors, the best of the best, but when I see some "proofs" here, it is a Rank 9 Killer in the video/Screenshot who lost a game. Is it fair to balance around the best Survivors, but mediocre Killers?

    "Every game it's Ruin, BBQ, Enduring on killers. And Ds, Adrenaline, Exhaustion for survivors just like 2 years ago. Every killer that's trying is still playing Billy/Spirit since every recent release has been purposefully lukewarm trash. None of the new perks have made their way into the meta. The game's been in the same state since forever."

    Well, this is indeed a problem, because the Devs are scared of introducing strong Perks. But Killers have it better here, except for Demogorgon, at least one Perk of Killers was decent. For Survivors, the maximum that we got was Inner Strength, and this is mediocre (of course MoM is an exception of that, but that was simply a Cashgrab and designed to be too strong). And well, Killers can at least get some use of their Perks, maybe only on specific Killers (like Nemesis of Oni, Thrilling Tremors and Im all Ears on Ghostface, Corrupt Intervention and Infectious Fright on Plague, Discordance and Iron Maiden on Legion, Spirit Fury on Spirit...), but for Survivor, I only end up levelling the new Survivor, get all of his Perks on my Main and will never use them.

  • RickJames
    RickJames Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2020

    I kinda skimmed through so I might've misread but I feel like this was the overall point they were trying to make.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    1) The game was much more unbalanced then. Also your assuming those killers were optimal players. Alot weren't.

    2) Kinda of like the dreaded 4 man swf hit squad. They're pretty damn rare.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    It doesn't matter. Job, no job, family, activities, whatever. The game should not be dumbed down because people refuse to learn. It's not a hard game to learn.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764
    edited January 2020

    And that's why the game is slowly dwindling. That's why queue times are long. Because the devs think exactly like that. Judging solely from your posts, you are clearly fairly new to the game. You shouldn't be speaking on what is good and what isn't good for the game until you learn the game.

    You screw over experienced players, you have no game.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764
    edited January 2020

    This is why you balance for both, and it IS possible. I'm actually done talking to you. It's quite clear you don't give a crap about balance and simply want an easier game. It's pretty said, honestly, that you refuse to get better.

    If you want an easy game, go play Minecraft.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    You don't get to talk about people not wanting to change their playstyle when I've seen you advocating a nerf to Hillbilly. You have zero room to criticize people when you advocate things like that. Sorry, man.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Pls refrain from posting more threads with nothing else than lies.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    What's the point here? Skill determines performance?

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    That isn't true. There are a lot of killers like Tru3talent that show that it is the other way around.

    He nearly always gets a 4K or 3K against really good players and swf.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Please refrain from responding to any thread that you don't like just to call it lies.

    What reason would I have to lie about logic within the game that makes it frustrating while giving examples of some scenarios on both sides of this game?

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    In the OP? Tbh I can't remember because it's been days since I last posted it..

    But it mightve just been me going on a rant about frustration within the game.

    In the post you've quoted. My point is don't just go onto a post and offer but one sided statements that don't contribute to the discussion.

  • NickelX
    NickelX Member Posts: 20

    Look any idea that either side is gonna get 100 escapes or 4ks in a row is flawed and fake, if you otherwise have evidence of that then you got very lucky, the map and tiles and hitboxes and just all the game is essentially based on luck and no not as in the killer or survivor is lucky, im saying luck as in a certain window being open that should never be open, or ridiculous hits that should never happened, basically most experienced players will not get 100 4ks or escapes and this includes hatch escapes for either side.