Im considering refund for CHAPTER VI: A Nightmare on Elm Street

Lukepro2315 Member Posts: 52
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Creators presented Freddy as killer with some special abilities - permanently invisible, with simple and smooth skills - put someone to sleep, then you are able to attack it. I like that, thats why i bough this DLC. And after while it gets complete rework, with senseless Traps OR fake pallets (Why THOSE skills? Is it somehow connected to original movie? Why ONE of those skills? Why teleport to generators? Why invisible ONLY in designated range? It really makes no sense). By my opinion Freddy became from "top fun" killer, to one of most useless and boring killers in game!!!

Its like when you buy new Porshe, after while you HAVE TO go to car service and get out from there with Fiat.

I really dont like this "scam".



  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Did you ever play against a Freddy though? He was awful. Nobody liked going against him.

    I enjoyed playing as old Freddy but for survivor it was so bad I am glad they changed him.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I love how people tend to generalize something and act as if T&C, TOA or whatever are above the law. Not even bother to ask where the person is from.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Old Freddy is S tier, New Freddy is D tier

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,495

    So I suppose I should be entitled to a refund to the base game then?

    After all, the game isn't exactly the same as it was four years ago, when I bought it.

    I spent $16 on the 2016 launch version of the game, they're not allowed to change anything in MY paid product!

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    Freddy was an easy win for survivors before the rework. It was bad and as killer you were so useless unless they were in dream world and even then it was still so underwhelming. The change made him fun and viable. Anyone who says otherwise has not been playing DBD long enough.

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 496

    I really don't understand how anyone thinks old Freddy was better. Maybe old Freddy was fun to play as, but he was just horrible.

    Picture this. A basic M1 killer, but you couldn't attack anyone until you put them to sleep. That's old Freddy. The new Freddy has all the tools a killer would need. He may need some tweaks here and there, but otherwise he's fine the way he is

  • shootaman777
    shootaman777 Member Posts: 138

    I feel you, OP.

    Old Freddy was very fun. He was one of the few killers who could punish survivors by putting them at his mercy.

    The formula for such a match was this:

    -tunnel 1 person (the obsession) to death, with (pre-nerf) Remember Me (and potentially ye olde Dying Light).

    -put the three remaining survivors to sleep without injuring them (this was back when Adrenawin did not wake up survivors)

    -slug them all down with aura reading (and potentially NOED), as they are unable to open exit gates (it took 45 or 90 seconds to open exit gates, awake or asleep, respectively, IIRC, and there was no way to wake up other than sabo, if healthy with gates powered). Survivors treated Freddy as a joke back then and would often genrush in his face, allowing for consistent NOED activation.

    -kill them at your leisure

    It was incredibly hard to pull off, as smart survivors quickly understood what was going on and coordinated hook dives to save the obsession (but their BT allowed extra stacks of Remember Me to be gathered). But man, forcing survivors to cry uncle was incredibly satisfying, and I miss it so much.

    The difference between old/new Freddy is when his killer power is effective. New Freddy's killer power becomes weaker later in the match (by losing gen teleport when gates are powered), whereas old Freddy was only brutally lethal in endgame.

  • poli
    poli Member Posts: 34

    in all seriousness olease bo back to fortnite qor whatever childness game you came from.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    You accepted the Terms of Srvice. So dont complain, cause you didnt read them properly.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264
    edited January 2020

    Imo it's thenonly rework that went for the better,actually.

    I was Freddy main even before and,after some months of break, I found it totally changed, and loved those changes.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Yeah, the store still says Freddy is the old way then when you hit buy he's not that's definitely false advertising. Can't claim someone has something for a sale then it not be there. Also Freddy was insanely hard the old way, now we can run circles around him so I fully see why you want a refund. I never won an old Freddy game and now I win nearly every single one. Not being able to see Freddy and him hitting me which hurt and put me to sleep made original Freddy nearly impossible to beat, he essentially got a free hit.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Old Freddy you had no idea where he was, you hear lulliby and you run. Now I can see him and stay in a Gen and finish my rush, before if I stayed on a Gen he could pull me off while awake as he put me to sleep. This made Freddy one of the top killers. Once he got his rework everyone went back to wraith.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i highly doubt you ever played the old freddy.

    or you forgot the /s, one of the two.

    ill make it short: old freddy was said to be the worst killer in the game - for a good reason.

    his power literally worked against him and it was 100% luck dependent whether it would benefit you or they got rid of it immediately.

    the new version is an overall improved killer, who is even considered to be top tier. i highly doubt that you have a much easier time against him nowadays.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Sorry, the ToS (Terms of Service), which you agreed to, state that anything currently present in the game can be subject to change later on.

    honestly, if you ask me, in freddys case it was for the better. they changed the, at that time, worst killer in the entire game to an absolute nightmare to play against (pun intended).

    freddy has gotten tons of cool new mechanics without having any major downside, while old freddy had only few upsides compared to many incredibly harsh downsides (such as an survivors invulnerability while awake).

    and since you asked why only one of the dream traps, this has two different reasons:

    1) balance. it would be immensly broken to let freddy have not only the snares but also the dream pallets.

    2) he'd have too many abilities, as he now had multiple power abilities and a passive ability. this would mean that you'd have to add an extra button just for him having multiple abilities, so he'd have snares with M2, gen teleport with CTRL and fake pallets with another button to press. that'd be a little too much at some point, honestly.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    He's a heck of a lot better now, as someone who bought it at release. I feel like I'm 2010 Freddy instead of some guy that looks like him.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    "I highly doubt you".. Yeah because I'm just coming to the forum to lie. I'm not you, so we can first remove the assumption I'm lying. I sucked against the old Freddy. I couldn't see him and got messed up by him. I was a new player then also so maybe ide have found ways around him. The new Freddy is trash, I rarely play a single game against this amazing killer you're defending. Maybe because he's not amazing and no one wants anything to do with him now.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    I wonder if the devs share any statistics, like how many used to play Freddy VS how many play him now VS how many wins Freddy had then VS how many he has now. Ide be willing to guess he was played more then with more wins than now.

  • JarMa13
    JarMa13 Member Posts: 40

    The original Freddy was so OP it was ridiculous.

    I'll never forget playing as Freddy. I truly felt guilty. I killed all 4 before a gen was done.

    You can ALWAYS see them. Either a white aura or red if they're out of sight, whether distance or crouching right in front of you. The survivors cannot hide, cannot get away. There was no chance.

    So everyone started talking about how Freddy is a trash killer.

    But the devs didn't understand that the problem was that he was too OP and the solution was to take red auras out of the equation

    Instead they did a total rework that made him EVEN STRONGER but is no fun at all and totally unlike the actual Freddy.

    As usual, the devs did the worst possible thing they could do.

    Go get your money back

    OP Freddy was waaay better.

    Even if I could only play him with no perks and add-ons.

    I still got 4k but I felt less guilty doing it.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    You hardly saw Freddy in the past.

    They couldn't sneak a hit as he had to put you to sleep and within that time he phased in and out so you could see him when you were falling asleep at random moments.

    His power was negated by self care as you could break out of sleep with a skill check. It could even be done in a chase with rng on your side meaning he had to sleep you again for a possible hit.

    It was 7 seconds to put someone to sleep plenty time to get to a pallet. Some add-ons reduced that but it was still bad for him.

    He couldn't stop hook saves. End game was especially bad for him and why most i faced ran NOED.

    He was basically a put to sleep m1 killer. His only potential was to slow the game down but even with the add-ons to stop as many skill checks it was all to easy to get out of sleep. Swf were a nightmare for him no pun intended as they would wake each other up.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    This is a particularly dumb post because Freddy got a massive upgrade. You originally bought a bad killer. Now you own the best killer. But the killer with the best kill rate in the game isn't good enough for you huh? Whatever. It's not like a refund is an option anyway.

  • JohnofPA
    JohnofPA Member Posts: 12

    I think we just got trolled and baited. Nice.

  • Hex_BoopTheSnoot
    Hex_BoopTheSnoot Member Posts: 155

    Boo hoo.

  • TheHippo
    TheHippo Member Posts: 41

    As a killer main but someone who plays both side, Old Freddy was somewhat fun for awhile. But, it goes without saying that New Freddy is way better, much more enjoyable for the majority of both sides, and keeps the cool theme. Things change, complaining for a refund is so lame.

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45

    That's what BHVR does. They sell you a killer then change him/her afterwards. Be happy that freddy is an actual good killer and not nerfed to death like my personal favorite, legion. Killers are almost always better at launch than they are later down the line. Quite sad actually.

  • Aenom
    Aenom Member Posts: 9

    noone cares, quit bitching and enjoy the game

  • Walker
    Walker Member Posts: 16

    I really do think that too, especially when someone in the thread says such absurd things as, "The original Freddy was so OP it was ridiculous."

    Either these people who are praising Old Freddy are trolling, or they were completely new players when he was around. Because indeed, he was only good against inexperienced players. But against anyone who played the game for at least a little bit, he was by far the worst killer in the game.

    Which is not surprising, considering that, in fact, his whole power used to be having to wait 7 seconds until he could attack someone.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Was huge fan of Freddy being added to the game but he was miserable to play. We waited a long time for his rework and it was worth it.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    My friend. Old Freddy was weak and ridiculous.

    New Freddy is stronger. The Dream World is Freddy's domain so the devs have made a way to make Freddy's powers work in dbd. Freddy can manipulate the Dream world. That's why he can teleport and place snares and fake pallets.

    You don't have the right to a refund

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    While i actually did enjoy old Freddy's gameplay both as and against, the new Freddy is in a much better place.

  • PotatoGod
    PotatoGod Member Posts: 5

    One you probably just bad the game. Now to other reason, original freddy was fun when it came out because no one knew how he worked. Mainly reason why people play killer to get the hang of it. I had fun using both lon range add on to snipe people afar. Only way to actually win since you kind of have to be close to them to put them to sleep than wait 7 seconds to hit. Not timing it perfectly you can get a free hit instantly without delay or on survivor side run to a pallet or a window to avoid that free hit. I p3 freddy in one day when he came out. New freddy is actually way stronger, only reason people dont use him because its kind of too easy. When i started to replay again, i used freddy and read his changes. Got an easy 4k. If you think new freddy is easiet, you must be low tier survivor.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Maybe you sucked but you don't get to tell me my experiences against a killer. If I ran to a hook, boom I'm asleep, on a Gen, boom asleep, you hear him but not see him boom asleep and he's not even after you. Whole crew near the person on Gen, boom all asleep. Maybe you personally sucked with Freddy and that's fine but the majority was great with him, no matter how many times I played him solo, everyone died, I escaped zero matched against old Freddy and new Freddy I escape nearly every game. That's my experience with Freddy period!

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    The point of my post was to highlight how easy it was as survivor as he was not hard to beat in the slightest. I never had an issue playing versus old Freddy but it seems like you did.

    The majority who played with him didn't do well. Some did yes but they were just good players but even they would fall foul to semi competent survivors. It's no secret he was considered the worst killer and for a good reason. His whole power was on a timer and unless you could keep them all asleep you had no power. Not because what he could do but because what he couldn't.

    Yea he could sleep you easy. Catching you was another story and getting out of sleep another. Fail a skill check and he has to start all over again. He was highly loopablr and being able to tell where he was while falling asleep it was easy to evade the first hit.

    Maybe your experince is due to not knowing how to play versus him very well as you are writing from a survivor viewpoint afterall. Maybe your other issue was working to close beside others as splitting up meant he couldn't sleep everyone.

    This is why a lot of Freddy players seemed to camp and tunnel. If you decide to go for a save on someone being camped well that son you really. Do the gens and punish it instead of gifting him free kills with more time to get the others.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    If you think updating and changing a game is a scam your a moron. By your logic whenever anything is reworked in a game then you are entitled to a refund. Oh this game wasn't as advertised when I bought it because they put work on it and made it better so it's a scam. The fact of the matter is that I have heard very few people complain about new Freddy (your a first actually) because they made good work refining him and making him better.

    You can't cry for a refund when a game gets updated and it's not exactly a scam because they already did the work, they wouldn't purposefully screw the people that bought it over just to spit in their face. It's literally just getting the game more enjoyable and interesting. If it worked the way you wanted then the game would be dead in the water, they wouldn't ever update it and then what, you can't complain for a refund as the game gets more and more stale, more repetitive because you didn't want it to ever change.

  • SL33PY
    SL33PY Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2020

    New Freddy is way better one of best killers and is fun to me. Old Freddy was fun too but was the bottom of the barrel. I thought old Freddy really just needed the ability to grab regardless of sleep state when survivors are on gens, exit gates, totems, chests, or saving. Also sleep time should have been no more than 5 seconds without add on unless it was similar to the doctors static field where any survivor that can hear the song would fall asleep. I think new Freddy could have been a new killer all together like the sandman or something and old Freddy could have just been tweaked

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 932

    I played Old Freddy for a few months before his rework. I got several 4K's with smoking splinters against Red Rank survivors and liked him so much I bought him.

    OG Freddy, while suffering from serious flaws was pretty strong if you used certain builds and playstyles on him. My general Freddy strategy was to be waste survivor's time as much as possible while getting pallets dropped.

    OG Freddy had arguably the best tracking and stall in DBD. His chase was M1 Killer hampered by those 7 seconds but it could be reduced with addons + most survivors couldn't make it to a loop within 7 seconds especially if you started the transition right next to them.

    Survivors who disrespect Freddy and stay on a gen can be caught with a surprise gen-grab if you use sleep transition addons, and Pill Bottle was an excellent addon (No freddy glimpses during transition) since you usually also get a free gen-grab the first time, and all subsequent times you can sleep them and run off after someone else, while the survivor runs around like a headless chicken thinking you're going to gen-grab them again.

    Most killers would remain fixated on one survivor and never break chase until they get the down because they can't afford to waste time. Freddy's stall and tracking meant you CAN afford to disengage if a survivor is proving too hard to catch. You have tracking on them so you can always ambush them later, especially since Freddy had a small terror radius (Especially with Monitor and Abuse. M&A + Red Paint Brush = 0TR in the dream world so perfect tracking as well as Mirror Myers level jumpscares on survivors.) compared to other killers.

    I always ran Discordance on him for 2 easy sleeps at the start of the match. When I played Old Freddy I always aimed to have 2 survivors asleep at any one time, and would be willing to drop a chase just to re-sleep someone who woke up. (The guy I was originally chasing now has to waste time finding a generator or another awake survivor. If he fails a skillcheck I am notified of his location, if I see his aura crouched someone else awake is waking them up so I rush over to re-sleep both)

    Basically Freddy needed to juggle targets to keep everyone off gens and asleep. On a large map he was in trouble although stacked range addons let you sleep people from outside of lullaby range I think.

    Even during the Mettle Of Man Crisis I played Freddy. STBFL + PYWF + M&A + Rancor was devestating on Freddy, since you could ignore the DH + DS + MoM + Deliverance + Instaheal obsession all game, (Doesn't hurt most obsessions vs Freddy expect to be the Remember Me obsession and hide to avoid being tunneled) go after the other 3 survivors, then one-punch-mori the "meta of man" survivor out of the game, bypassing all perks and items.

    IMHO New Freddy is arguably healthier for the game and more fun to play as and against, but I miss the old one. Maybe part of the appeal was playing the "Worst Killer in DBD" but Freddy felt like a sidegrade to Doctor (Who I mained) to me. Good tracking, good stall. I wouldn't mind a killer who acts similar to Old Freddy so the few people who liked him have a hit and run style killer. (Besides Legion. IMHO Legion wastes his own time more than he wastes survivors.)

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319
    edited January 2020

    This man is saying rework Freddy was nerfed not buffed lol, hottest take of the year