Ruin and Doctor nerfs

Well, there we have it folks. Dead By Daylight devs are officially brain dead. With continues onslaught nerfing killers has now brought us to this. They finally nerfed Ruin, AND "reworked" doctor. Devs, I don't know how you do it, you consistently make me despise you more and more over time.
Why do people think Doc is going to get nerfed?
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The Doctor is going to be one of the best.
Ruin needed changes and is a massive buff than a nerf.
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“With continues onslaught nerfing killers”
dude killers started getting nerfs since the stranger things chapter, survivors got nerfed way more than killers this is one of the few patches survivors didn’t receive a nerf, stop overreacting
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Ha, funny, you're funny. If you think this is a buff to ruin, you've been dropped on the head.
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no because now doctor can't use his power to help in a chase. So he's right when he says this is a nerf.
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Doc was buffed. I played doc plenty before, he was the 2nd killer I mained, and I've been playing him since the update. His power is much smoother to use and easier to deny vaults/pallet drops, you don't have to be 110 speed at all, and his static blast is great. His range is still meh but still better than before, and his stupidest add-on is good now.
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Easier to deny vaults/pallets? EASIER?! It's obvious your lying because it's impossible to hit them after you shock them.
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Only for a brief period, it's way better than the ptb version. I've hit plenty of survivors now post-zap before they could vault or just as they started. And there's no real reason for me to make that up unless bvhr were paying me, but I'm quite expensive ;)
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wait what? what are u even saying?
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well this ruin nerf will RUIN the game for killers since there's no compensation for the nerf.
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The change was a nerf to ruin, mainly due to its lack of synergy with most perks. I just don't really see many uses for it unless you waste another perk slot for something like surveillance. That mixed with it still being a hex perk, it's not worth IMO.
However, the doctor was not nerfed. I main doctor before his rework and will continue to now. Old doctor using your power slowed you down and hurt your chases because of it. That mixed with hitting your stance switch perfect every time, made him a B tier killer. New doctor though, you have a giant blast, You're no longer slowed by using his shock therapy, and the brief window of being unable to hit them now closely resembles hitting your stance switch perfectly, but without the slow down. If they had kept it like the ptb, I agree it'd be a nerf. But that one little change made a huge difference. You can end chases faster now, and find survivors easier. The amount of times a fudged up a stance change and ruined a chase on old doctor was ridiculous lol but I don't have to worry about that with the new doctor. I definitely feel like he may push into an A tier killer now. He'll never be GOD tier, but he's definitely better now.
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Or maybe its because he speaks the truth? Hes the only dbd youtuber/streamer that shows the truth of this game. Other youtubers only show games where they win as killer but he shows the truth
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Doctor is perhaps one of the best killers now.
Ruin is much better than the previous - especially when paired with Surveillance.
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I am actually having fun with Doctor, unlike before and do very well with him. Didn't even lose one game with him. I guess he got nerfed.
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I'm survivor rank 1. Recently I've played more survivor then killer(also rank1) and I can honestly say the nerf to ruin has also ruined the game for survivors. Being slugged, noed and being tunneled is now every single match. I don't blame the killers I understand this is there only way to win especially in purple and red ranks.
The Devs have killed the game and made it boring and frustrating for both sides. It's not fun and I will be waiting for Project Resistance.
The game is dying waiting times the last few days have proven this
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new ruin is no where near as good as old ruin
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and it shouldn't be, if a perk is used that much over everything else, something is wrong.
Now lets hope the devs do something to actually slow the game down on a gameplay level without people needing to use specific perks
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they should increase gen times or add some other objectives
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They won't. It wouldn't be 'fun' for survivors. Never mind whats fun for killers.