Whats up with ps4 matchmaking of dedicated servers?
I recently read that how dedicated servers do matchmaking now is that killers leaving the lobby no longer closes it. Since then I noticed survivor wait time has gone up and killer wait time is instant. If thats true it would explain the matchmaking issues.
On the flip side all my killer matches have been with purple and green ranks. Ive been trying to depip as killer so I dont have to face these survivor since I only ever play killer for the bp and bbq stacks to boost survivors. Its so disheartening to see my rank 17 go against a full team of green and purples. It makes me feel bad for actual baby killers goin against these teams because i dont really care but others do.
This is the new norm.
As a low rank killer, you constantly go against green, purple and sometimes even 4 man red rank. I see red rank killers constantly going against mixed bag SWF's that "sometimes" have 1 red rank survivor in it. More times than not, they get a silver rank, a green rank and maybe two purple rank survivors.
So with new matchmaking, high rank killers got kind of a buff and low rank killers got a super serious nerf.
Seems like they are trying to make new killers want to be survivor mains?
As a survivor main you'll be less angry/frustrated and spend more money on cosmetics???