Dang BHVR, is this true?



  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I always thought these bandaid fixes were because these problems just allowed them to come up with new perk ideas.

    I don't know if this is true or not. But I am definitely not convinced. Many of these perks don't really feel like bandaid fixes to me. Ruin probably, but the others not so much. Instead, devs need to constantly think of new ideas for perks, and some of these "problems" probably gave them new possibilties or ideas for perks. Mad Grit for example does not feel like a bandaid fix at all, but like an idea the devs came up with based on one of the aspects killers have to deal with, simply to be able to create another perk.

    To me it always seemed like the idea is to have a big selection of perks that help killers, some of them helping them cover their weaknesses and others just making killers stronger where they aren't as weak. So people can create their own individual builds that fit their play style or fix problems that they personally have. But who knows.

    But I do feel like the devs have made healthy balance changes to the base game as well. It's just that it's very hard to balance a game like this. Adding a second objective to the game for example is not as simple as adding a second objective to the game. Despite that taking some work, devs would also need to consider many other aspects of the game, like camping and tunneling becoming much more viable if the game receives a second objective.

    I'm also not convinced that this Ruin nerf is just a bandaid fix for new survivors having to go against more experienced players. Ruin is frustrating to newer players no matter what, because it isn't affected by the killer's skill at all. It's only dependent on the survivors skill level. Of course the matchmaking is a problem, but I don't think this Ruin nerf has something to do with that. Especially considering that the devs themselves made these changes to rank reset, that wasn't just some bug that happened.

    I don't know, in the end I can only hope this isn't the case, but I'm definitely not convinced this is the case just because they have nerfed Ruin now. If anything, I'd lean more to the argument that the devs are struggling with the balance of the game. Maybe all this drama because of this Ruin nerf will at least get the devs to improve the balance of their game, especially the maps and killers, faster.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    A buddy on my friends list got jailed for telling someone who disagreed with him that they needed to "calm down" repeatidly when that person was no more heated or uncivil than he himself was. The jail was reversed maybe a month later and we all move on.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Fixing ruin will give more accurate data and therefore they can balance the game much more easily.

  • myers_obsession
    myers_obsession Member Posts: 552

    Sadly thats true... :(

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    It would if they'd fix matchmaking. And improve pipping system, or at least revert rank reset changes. Right now too many people of way too different skill levels are at red ranks.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Ruin doesn't combat split gens, and rank resets don't help newer players in the slightest when Red killers smash them on their way back up.

    I think I had a single hatch survival in all of my recent killer games. Hell, there was only a single game where I was grinding my Spirit's P3 that I had to put in any real effort (where Ruin got cleansed 30s~ in). I have to slug and farm, and hook everyone twice in an effort to drag a game out, and they'll be lucky to get even one generator done if Ruin never gets cleansed.

    And then against better survivors, they might just ignore it and power through, separately, where Ruin is the least impacting.

    Yeah the company has to make money, but keeping interest up in a solid player base with supported game health/maintenance and content is better. I mean, even when WoW was at its lowest active sub count post-peak from WotLK, it still utterly dwarfed any and all MMO playerbase, and DLC isn't a requirement to keep that game alive.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    It is true. It reminds me of Blizzard and what they did with WoW and Diablo. It was a smaller company that was gobbled up by a bunch of suits. Their games were very entertaining and had good longevity, devs cared about the player experience and did their best to make it as fun as possible. Eventually, their goal switched to making as much money as possible for as little work as they could.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340
    edited January 2020

    Your right, alot of problems CAN build into something major. The devs are fixing things though without the requirement of "just bring so and so perk". Your seeing less and less overly safe pallets and HOPEFULLY asylum gets a visit soon. At no point did they try to sell the idea that a single perk would fix all my problems. If Hangmans trick was REQUIRED to get a hook in other than basement hooks, that would be #########. Thats not the case though, and the perk only acts to do what all perks do which is to improve upon something while not being a necessity.

    As far as Coulrophobia in your example, many changes have been made since release to avoid situations like you stated. Perks have been altered, maps tweeked and items changed. Instablinds are no longer a thing so no killer ever feels like Lightborn for example is required.


    This here is no longer possible, so someone isnt gonna think that STBFL or something is required. These arnt bandaid fixes, the devs worked to change the problem rather than sell something to hide the symptoms. The game isnt perfect and still a WIP for alot of things (Asylums main building is still a pain), but I'm not seeing any perks that are deemed REQUIRED to fix something rather than just aid in 1 aspect of the game while the devs have acted to make the game playable without perks.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    Pretty sure its just a warning before getting banned. The mods message you to let ya know what you did wrong to land you in hot water and if you continue to act like that while jailed, then you get escalated. I know from personal experience the mods are pretty sensible. Typically Rizzo will hop on a thread to remind ppl to stay civil alot of times.

    I post alot of screenshots like this one sometimes and when I posted 4 on one thread and accidentally posted an uncensored one... Rizzo edited the post to remove the screenshot and messaged me to let me know. I replaced the screenshot with a censored version and all was fine.Even though TECHNICALLY it was naming and shaming since it was uncensored, due to me acting appropriately to the situation no action was taken against me. Afew months after that, I actually got my red PFP and "Forum member of the month".

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Ruin nerf was needed, thats ok. Devs just failed to come up with a fair alternative to it. ^_^ It would be unbelievable, if they would do everything right. Think about it.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I think jailing stops you from creating threads, and maybe restricts how often you can comment as well (not sure about the second thing).

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    This community is overly forgiving and optimistic at best and ignoring DBD's glaring issues at best. Queues on PS4 have been reported to be at least 40 minutes by some players and survivors will be waiting longer for games on pc as well eventually.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    They should honestly label it a party game because that is more in line with what it actually is.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I got to ask though where people like you get their information from since you seem to know for a fact that it is true. Because all I see here is speculation, and that's it.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2020

    While he made a couple of good points most of it is just speculation due to the wording of the dev post regarding the changes.

    Now of course they want to make money its a business. Now that being said band aid fixes have always been a phrase used by the community. The way this video is done tbh doesn't show anything we haven't know about certain perks since ruin came out.

    Making a DLC with attractive characters and perks make sense for any business or why would someone buy it?

    Now the whole video is speculation on how they believe the devs think. Quite frankly the YouTuber themselves has always been one to make controversial videos for views as it is how they get paid afterall.

    They also don't touch upon the changes to both sides and you see why as they stated themselves they are a baby survivor. The survivor changes over the past year and more have been for killers fun. Those of us who can see past some words use common sense to see this.

    Both sides have changes and both sides gets nerfs along with buffs at times.

    The retention of new players for any game is an issue. Let's be honest how many of us on pc with steam have games with less than 10 hours! Not every game is for everyone but making the new player experience also helps the veterans. The larger the playbase the more there are to play with and it keeps the game alive.

    The numbers have been growing since the devs bought the game in 2018 so I'd say the majority just enjoy playing the game as its a known fact that very few visit forums at all. Generally game forums are a place where players go to complain.

    Now the match making was fine up until a couple of months ago. There have been issues in the past but none like this.

    The problem does seem to stem directly from the implementation of dedicated servers and the change to swf match making.

    Now the chnage to swf matchmaking was of course done so new killers weren't being put with high ranks. The change was for killer if you think about. The side effect of it is less killers for the amount of survivors at red ranks due to this so the search widens. The issue they tried to fix for killer players has created another one for them which they have said they are working on fixing and hopefully soon. This wasn't touched upon in the video which seems strange to myself as its a major point imo.

    Over all I think the person seems upset they got jailed and why they touched upon it and said the last line in the video. They were also highly vocal about the battle pass in the past and posted many time that people with the fear of missing out are being taken advantage of with that type of monetization.

    Streamer/gaming relationships are funny to myself as I don't understand why so many hang on their every word. They are just gamers like the rest of us and the vast majority know little to nothing about actual game development but at the same time think they should be able to dictate how a game should be.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I'm curious to know what maps you think have many unsafe pallets now? And I guess by unsafe you mean pallets that can be mindgamed by both survivor and killer? Because the only maps I can think of are Hawkins, Lerys, and the Badham maps, and Badham maps still have a fair share of safe pallets as well. Maybe a few more, but the majority of maps still have more safe pallets than mindgameable, or unsafe, pallets.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Hawkings (pretty much 85% of the pallets): including corners, upstairs, any hallway pallets.

    Badham Preschool: Pallets around rocks and cars.

    Lerys: Middle pallets, some of the hallway pallets.

    Shelter Woods: Pallets around rocks mainly because there aren't as many tiles.

    To name a few.

    You cannot possibly mindgame a big portion of the pallets because the killer just builds up bloodlust and uses it to go around and get a hit. Yes in some cases you can leave the pallet and just take the hit to go to another "zone" but if you're already wounded chances are, you are better off just running around to a dead zone away from all the gens (to give your team a chance to repair) before you go down.

    Obviously I do agree that there are many safe zones in many maps. I also agree that the windows specifically in structures need to be reworked. I actually made a separate post about that in the feedback section: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/117198/an-idea-to-balance-super-strong-windows/p1

    Only because I find it unfair that as a survivor you can break chase and decide you want to go back to that window while preserving pallets around the structure.

    Anyway. My main point was in response to the part of the video which is that bloodlust don't shorten chases, by pointing out how many strong loops there are but doesn't acknowledge the the reworked maps have come with a vast number of unsafe pallets. I'm just giving my opinion from both playing survivor and killer.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Ok that's fair, and I agree.

    But I do want to point out that mindgames for survivors are about trying to waste more time of a killer, not necessarily winning a loop by forcing the killer to break the pallet. The mindgame at dropped pallets for example is about if a survivor slides over a pallet or not when approaching it while looping the structure around the pallet. If loops have a fitting size, killer and survivor now have to try and predict each others move.

    A killer has to try and predict whether a survivor will slide over a pallet or not, and a survivor again tries to predict if the killer will predict that you go over the pallet or if the killer will predict you to not slide over the pallet.

    Every time a survivor wins a mindgame, it will buy him a few more seconds for the team. If the pallet has two loops surrounding it, the survivor will buy their team enough time to make a difference. Because they have been able to create some distance and the killer now has to catch up enough while running around the loop. If pallet loop only has one loop, the other side being a wall, things get worse for survivor since the survivor can only stand right at the pallet and try and slide over the pallet once he thinks the killer will go for a swing at the side the survivor is currently standing at. If a survivor wins that mindgame though by making the killer miss the hit, you can get some distance in order to maybe reach another pallet or window.

    I'm just writing this because it sounded like you consider these pallets unsafe in a way that survivors have no fair counterplay at those loops. Of course a killer will eventually get a hit against a survivor at these loops, but the only alternative would be that the killer is forced to break the pallet.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    It's not just because of the matchmaking. Even though it is a big problem at the moment.

    Ruin is much less used at lower ranks, but it is still used, and it's just too good at those ranks. Ruins power does not depend on the skill of the killer at all. Which means no matter the skill level and rank of a killer, it will always be the same. But it depends on the skill level of survivors at hitting great skill checks. So it scales with the skill level of survivor, but not that of killer. Which is why Old Ruin is a problem. That and because it's insanely RNG based.

    Of course you could argue that people need to get better, but hitting great skill checks should not be one of the most important skills to learn in a game like this. It definitely drives some players away. Heck you could argue that even at high ranks, Ruin made too much of an impact solely based on if survivors were good at hitting great skill checks or not. I don't think that should be such an important skill, and should have such an impact on the outcome of the match.

    I'd rather have that bandaid fix removed and the game balanced better at base. It's just a shame map reworks have been so incredibly slow, and adding a second objective would need so many other changes to happen alongside it.

  • Krystress
    Krystress Member Posts: 52

    I doubt they'll change. They even underpay their employees.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742
  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    Well that's the problem, the biggest issue is the core mechanics, and they can't even admit that 131-192 seconds is extremely quick for gens to pop in a game where a chase can easily last for 60-120 on top of base movement times on most maps. It doesn't take a genius to see that data and come to the conclusion that at a core level, the killer isn't the power role, but merely a taxi for people to get into a match and farm points off gens for the first 60-120 seconds.

  • Of course the problem is matchmaking. As the video points out but also logically, newer players shouldn't be running into Ruin much at all. Newer survivors should be playing with newer killers who simply won't have Ruin unlocked yet, because it's locked behind DLC. The only way newer players should be running into it mostly is playing lower rank killers who simply aren't very good at killer and thus can't climb ranks.

    And of course skill matters on the killers side with Ruin. A crappy killer is going to have gens blown through on him whether Ruin is active or not. As a killer you still have to find survivors, chase survivors, down survivors, and hook survivors while Ruin is up. The issue is for the slower killers, Ruin buys you time to do all those things a couple times before it gets cleansed and gens start popping.

    It's piss poor game design to have a game where over 80% of killers at high level play feel they need to have a particular perk in order to stand a chance, but that's the BHVR world we live in. But it's even worse to take that one perk away without even trying to address the reasons why over 80% of the players use it. That's not removing a band aid fix, that's more like taking the cast off a broken leg but the doctor knows the bone hasn't healed. So cool, the cast is off, but the leg is still broken. Nice, Ruin is gone. Hooray for trash survivors who can't hit skill checks. But the core game is still broken.

    Maps are still way too big. Maps are still chock full of way too many safe loops, jungle gyms, pallets, etc. Gens still pop way too fast. Speaking of band aid fixes, that's all killers have been getting to fix these issues. Perks that are mostly useless. Broken gameplay elements survivors can easily exploit. It's a 4v1 game where one of the four side can hold the killers attention for way too long considering how fast the matches go. Imagine playing Evolve where one hunter could go toe to toe with a monster. It just doesn't make any sense lol.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I couldn't agree with you more. I've watched my (purple rank) solo teammates continue games where I have gone out early. They can't hit Ruin skill checks, they don't even try. The idea that it's only the rank 15 players that can't hit them is completely false.

    No perk should be so overpowered that it can completely dominate a game, even one tied to a totem.

  • killermainxd
    killermainxd Member Posts: 25

    BHVR is compete garbage, idk why you guys still have hope that they'll fix this game. It's been ######### broken since release and keeps getting worse.

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    I wouldn't say that, it has gotten much better in many regards but they love the one step forward, two steps backwards mentality

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Ok I know some of you are young and new to the world, but seriously how often does someone mind have to be blown with the information that companies exist to make money....

    Why is this still shocking to anyone?

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    Why is it so taboo to companies that you don't have to make a product so anti consumer so make money as well, if you didn't know some of the most successful products out there are ones that went out of their way to benefit the consumer and not some executives pockets. You make the best money for a long period of time with great products you make a quick cash grab with a garbage product that deceives and manipulates consumers... which is what many triple a publishers love doing now a day's.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Church yo.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Bruh, I tried posting something like this with the video, but I get warned because of "publicly talking about someones punishment" even though he talk about HIS OWN PUNISHMENT in his video, but oh well i guess. Im glad someone posted his video.

    Yeah take that BHVR, you can't stop the truth from spreading.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yeah I was 30 day banned for calling out how ######### the battlepass is as a business practice under the rules of "insulting members" because it was taken as an insult to the devs, and that's the "same as insulting another member". They DO NOT like being called out.

    I however, love seeing it.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Almo and Peanits respond only to mock killer players in roundabout ways and undermine our confidence in new changes ever being good for killers, like that thread where an unironic "Losing and getting trolled as killer is fun!" post got resounding praise and full agreement from Peanits

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    You're welcome to disagree, but doing so that results in harassing someone isn't okay.