Matchmaking is gonna make me stop playing again

If this is what Im going to face returning to Green & Purple Ranks....Im gonna burn out very fast with this game again....
This was an abysmal match and ######### Red Rank Survivors that think teabagging and harassing Killers is acceptable....because that's what they did all match. I absolutely hate the Survivor side of this community
I should NEVER be matched against a full SWF Red Rank team at my ranking....ever...BHVR fix your game's matchmaking algorithm... This was enough to ruin my day of playing DBD
At least the survivors are having fun.
It's been like this for about what? 2 months?
Sound seem to be bugged still, now there are some people reporting scratch marks are weird.
If you ask me, I would guess they tried shadow nerfing killer even more, but people just caught on to them.
At this point you are better off looking for a new game.
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Sadly most players these days are very toxic. But i read a post on discord about matching making being last on the list of things to fix.
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That's the problem...I bloody love this game when it's good, but it's flaws keep sinking the fun I get....
When I go against Players around my Rank, even if I get a 2K, USUALLY I still had a blast or some fun plays....this here isn't fun at all.
This is what's going to kill DBD if this remains this way.... 3 matches in a row with this bullshit
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Yeah, my first and only match as a killer placed me with a bunch of purple/green ranks. I managed to hit two people the entire match, lol. I couldn't catch nor find these survivors at all. I was incredibly bad, probably worse than the average new player. It didn't help that I didn't really know how to work the killer I chose, either.
When the last generator popped, I just gave up and started walking aimlessly around the map, waiting for them to leave. And, when they didn't, I went looking for the opened gate to see why. They were all just there waiting for me. I felt genuine embarrassment as I watched them leave.
I also have really bad anxiety, so I felt like I had to perform well for them and, since they were so above my rank, it sucked when I couldn't.
Maybe it's silly to feel bad about losing a game, but that was just such a terrible experience for me. I'm not going to attempt killer again until matchmaking is sorted out.
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I suffer from some anxiety/stage fright thing at times. Repeatedly making mistakes in a single match tanks my morale, which I usually only find when Matchmaking does this to me.. Which is steadily becoming more and more often.
Agaisnt Survivors around my Rank, I do well, even if I get a 2K I usually had a lot of fun, but unbalanced matchmaking ( for either side) just kills the fun...which Killers suffer from more because you have 4 skilled/experienced Survivors dancing around you
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We need fun
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At least you're getting to play. It takes 20+ minutes to find a game on ps4 as survivor.
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If it makes you guys feel better @Peanits said they’re aware and looking into it. They hope to share something with us soon...
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I play both sides, so I know this pain too...the worst part, just about to reach Green Ranks with Survivor (I play Killer more) and so far matchmaking pits us with Gray Rank far (this season) Yellow-Green Ranking...not a single Killer outside Gray's just..ugh
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same rank as you
I honestly think they just did away with MM. In December the que times were abysmal, but i didnt get red ranks. Now que times are amlsot instant but its almsost nothing but red ranks with the random rank 17+ thrown in.
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“ at least the survivors are having fun “ so we should just ignore how killers feel and prioritize survivors? Because all the killers will quit and q times will get EVEN longer
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He was being sarcastic.
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Oh god I hope so, I really can’t tell on theses forums anymore it’s like arguing with toddlers
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I've stopped playing killer until the matchmaking is fixed. On the flip side of the coin, this means that my survivor queues continue to grow.
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It's really bad on PS4. I've said it before and I'll continue to say it: this needs to be top priority for BHVR. It is driving new players away and current dedicated players away too.
The queue times were NEVER the best on PS4 for survivor, but right now they are in the worst state it's ever been.
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From survivor side, I'm rank 8 and I seem to only rank against killers from rank 12-17. I'm not the kind of sadistic prick to go out of my way to bully a killer and teabag etc, but when you win against someone who is so much less experienced than you it doesn't feel rewarding at all.
I'd rather die because I was outplayed by a competent killer, or escape because I outplayed someone of a similar ability to myself. It feels extremely unsatisfying to escape because your opponent was just not as experienced as you
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Yup, I feel the same I play solo at rank 1 or 2 and I keep getting teams of all red rank teammates and we go against and 10-15 killers. I don’t teabag or play toxic, but most games the killer gets like 3 hooks total the whole game, no kills and all we can do is encourage him in post game chat