Ruin is so OP

My ruin lasted 45 seconds instead of 30.Thus increased the time it took the survivors to complete all 5 gens from 2 minutes to 2 minutes and 15 seconds,allowing 3 of them to get out instead of all 4 like this game is designed for.Please nerf.It’ll make a GREAT end game perk.I guess i’ll just apply better map pressure next time.


  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    This is exactly why I'm not too bothered about it getting changed. I never had any luck with it and most of the time survivors would either spawn on the gen next to it, or it would be located in a jungle gym the survivor would run to in their first chase.

  • How long Ruin stays up is irrelevant. What matters is per BHVR a majority of survivors are potatoes who can’t hit skill checks. They tried to sell those potatoes a perk that makes great skill checks free and they still can’t hit them. So even a couple minutes of uptime means a couple minutes of gens not popping, enough time for a chase or two.

    Now it’s time for two gens to pop.