BHVR Intentionally reducing match length?

With a lot of the recent killers and balances it seems like the goal is to, over time, make match length shorter and gameplay more fast paced. With a lot of the recent perks for both survivor and killer it seems the goal on BHVR side is to actually reduce the match length. This brings a ton of short term benefit for BHVR, reduced queue times and less 'bad feeling' for survivors & killers because the match is over before you start getting really sour(some might say before you start having fun).
I would really just like to know if that is the goal? As much as I love the lore additions that came with the tomes, the archive challenges further serve to disrupt strategic gameplay and motivates both sides to recklessly aim to complete challenges and then want out of the match ASAP to get to the next one, or try again. This comes with a reduced gameplay experience/fun but increases the reward in the form of bps and cosmetics.
I would say the first step towards reducing match time/complexity was when perks that serve as 'match enders', for some, like noed started getting there benefits across all levels and then the biggest push was with the endgame collapse. After endgame, and the most recent perks, matches are shorter and shorter and it seems like this trend is not slowing. This, of course, is further seen with the removal (err I mean balance) of ruin.
This feels like a short term fix for the issue of people getting bored with the same old gameplay. So rather than add actual objectives, they just completely change the motivations of both sides.
What do you think? Are we doomed to 5-10 minute rock-em-sock-em matches?
I actually prefer the same old gameplay. The game from BBQ event is when I started, and I love the tense cat and mouse chases. Hiding, trying to outsmart the killer, etc. Its why i even still play it.
Now days it's either super fast hooks, getting sandbagged by my teammates, or gens pop before I can start to enjoy the hunt.
Regardless of which side I play, I always find the salty ass toxic players. Teammates that spam unhook you and dont actually do it, people who teabag then DC when caught, etc.
Endgame however, needed to happen. A good match is one thing, but 45 mins of someone refusing to do work or leave after gates are open? Absolutely no reason for that to happen.
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I never felt the attachment to individual matches. Snowballing is part of dbd imo.
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I agree with most everything you said and agree with liking same old gameplay but + something not minus effort/fun. I also agree with Endgame being necessary, it makes matches so much better for both killer and survivor. However, with Endgame, 'balancing', and new perk mechanics the cost seems to be worse/quicker overall gameplay in the long run.
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That could be their goal. 20 minute survivor queue into 6-8 minute game will ensure quicker killer rotation for the other players waiting for a lobby 😂