DS change
Using whatever is at hand, you stab at your aggressor in an ultimate attempt to escape.
After being unhooked or unhooking yourself Decisive Strike will become active
While Decisive Strike is active, when grabbed by the Killer, succeed a skill-check to automatically escape the killer's grasp and stun the killer for 3/4 seconds.
• Succeeding or failing the Decisive Strike skill check will disable Decisive Strike.
• If another survivor gets hooked, Decisive Strike deactivates until the next time you are unhooked or unhook yourself
• Successfully stunning the killer will result in you becoming the obsession.
• Increases your chances of being the Obsession.
• The killer can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time
"There's nothing to be scared of" - Laurie Strode
"if another survivor gets hooked" should be changed. You can't unhook yourself after being hooked once.
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Yeah sorry I had a dumb dumb moment lol.
Other than my idiocy care to share your opinion?
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Why would DS need to be changed?
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Double nerf it. Ok cool. I think it should either be very hard to pull off and very punishing or very easy to pull off and not at all punishing. This is neither.
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Would make it harder to abuse at the endgame
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It pretty much maintains all of it's strengths. Did you not see that I said that it is activated PERMANENTLY until another survivor is hooked?
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I would rather DS cause the survivors to have a chance to miss and stab themselves in the face, immediately dying.
But hey, that’s my killer bias for ya.
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Oh that's that. That only reduces the timer though.
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It can be abused to be used in an aggressive way when it's meant to be anti tunnel. This change is to maintain it being anti tunnel and non aggressive
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My idea is much better for that honestly. This is just a lazy change to make killers happy and make tunneling easier.
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I agree with you on most cases when it comes to survivor and how this game is killer sided. But this perk is a problem.
Lemme know what your idea is pls
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Great change, I enjoy it.
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Decisive Strike: Timer counts down 3 times as fast while in a locker, healing, or repairing generators. When another survivor is hooked half the remaining timer. While no other survivor is hooked the timer does not tick down while you are in the dying state. While Decisive Strike is active you can't unhook teammates while in the killer's TR.
Reasoning: You are not being tunneled while in a locker, healing, or repairing generators. You are not being tunneled when the killer hooks another survivor. You technically are being tunneled if the killer downs you before hooking another survivor. Here to prevent superhero plays.
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Sounds good to me.
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Um dude. That's like my one but even weaker
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What's weak about it? If the killer tunnels you they get hit with a 5 second stun. It's that simple.
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ah so clearly you don’t work at BHVR
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Well, yours is just like old DS but without a time constraint but instead based on another survivor getting hooked. This still punishes killers who aren't tunneling but run into you without hooking someone, it also makes DS insanely strong in the late game if the killer doesn't get a trade. DS as is doesn't need to be made stronger.
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Agreed. His idea is too clunky and would probably be more annoying for both sides. What do you think of mine?
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Yours is a little complex, but a cleaner solution than current DS. I think it'd still be nice to not have it trigger on grabs, but with it being 1/3 of the duration while in a locker it'd probably not be necesary to do that.
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True. Thanks.
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Same with mine. If they tunnel you, they get hit with a 3 second stun. It's that simple.
Yours is really unnecessarily complex in various ways
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Better complex than annoying. The devs saw this with Freddy, Nurse, instaheals. Some perks are so strong or weak the only way to put them at the perfect power level is to add complications.
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Fair enough
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When do you killer mains get it, that "If another survivor gets hooked, Decisive Strike deactivates until the next time you are unhooked or unhook yourself" is too easily countered just by slugging? Stop this nonsense ideas.
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I noticed they were overlooking this as well. Slugging is strong enough for snowballing but they also want it to allow them to tunnel. Bias can really cloud your view sometimes.
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I'm a biased survivor main, just voicing what I think would be a change to DS.
Just because I disagree with DS the way it is now does not mean I'm not a survivor main. I mean have you seen my other posts?
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Oh I didn't mean you, sorry. I support pretty much all your posts btw ❤
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Oh ok lol.
My mistake