Hex: Devour Hope (BUFF)
I think the hex totem of Devour Hope shouldn't spawn until the killer gets the two tokens because that's really when the perk activates and everything. Just like NOED, the hex totem doesn't appear until all generators are repaired.
I feel like 2 tokens is to much, because you could easily snow ball and get your 2 hooks to mori. That’s a REAL height risk / high reward perk unlike ruin that can be found in 10 seconds of the match and effects can be negated by skilled survivors and gen tapping
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genrush in 3 min is a snow ball, too.. xD
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OP's suggestion can allow the perk to be disabled before it even activates, assuming all totems are cleansed before the killer reaches 2 tokens.
I know this is unlikely for survivors, but I want to point out the counterplay before people assume the worst. Furthermore, with today's totem spawns, you're considered a lucky man to reach 3 tokens with Devour Hope.
I'm in favor of OP's idea, even through I would prefer Devour Hope's movement speed effect stays active until cleansed.
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i usually have games where if i do bring devour hope, the hex totem will be cleansed in like first minute of the game. its a useless perk at times and i think it shouldn't spawn until later in the match when the effects of it are shown just like noed.