Why is killer so frustrating to play, even as rank 5 and eventually 3

Even as a purple plebeian I find killer to be such a hastle to play, as killer I have to turn off my music and get fully inmersed into it which makes my head hurt after a 10 or 30secs of walking somewhere or doing "nothing". Every match feels tedious and even when I have the upper hand in the match, Survivors make it a struggle to enjoy... Unless Im playing trapper(my main) I find the game to be so impossible to win, whether its ruin/corrupt/pop or all of the above, mind you I try my best to not tunnel and only slug for 4k when I feel feisty, but I just feel so pressured to tunnel/camp people its not pleasant as a killer, IM the one between the rock and a hard place or whatever, not the survivor.... this will probably get lost but someone give me input
Best Answers
Yep, the dark days are starting all over again, gens get done left in right , one simple mistake could cost you 2 gens meanwhile survivors could make how ever many mistakes and not get severely punished for it
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Stop trying. That's what i did. Sure i could be in red ranks, but why should i? All i get are longer wait times and extremely stressful matches, it sucks and takes away all the fun of the game. Now i sit comfortably in yellow ranks, never have to slug for the 4k, not even worried about the 4k because i know i can get it if i want, and the wait times are non existent. Plus i get to be nice AND intimidating. AND i can listen to music and smoke all the weed i want and still have fun.
Its not always a cake walk of course and there are a lot of SWF smurfs but when i see those ######### i put them in their place, and when its not ######### I normally try to hook everyone in rotation, so its far in-between hooks for them and constant gameplay for me.
Now that theyre taking away ruin ######### even thinking about going back to red ranks, its not even that i wont be able to function or even win, its that i wont be having fun. I DREADED loading into matches at high ranks now its all chill. Am i smurfing? Kinda i guess but its not like im bullying people, i never even really try unless i get a toxic SWF and the people i play against have a good time too, i get a lot of "Thanks for not tunneling/camping" messages, i normally spare whoever i think is cute and im having way more fun than i ever did in the higher ranks
Now im not saying derank or AFK or throw matches or any of that. Im saying stop trying and focus on having fun. Might now come for a few ranks but when it does i promise the game will be so much better
The game REALLY should be balanced in favor of killers
Killer is so boring and being a low rank sucks its so boring every survivor instantly runs to a loop then does it forever and i get so freaking bored.
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Yeah but thats at like low ranks, im talking about the fact that if I try to play by the survivor handbook I will get slapped in the hand and if I dont play by it I will get ######### by the handbook
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Yeah man, you breathe air as killer and you get punished, survivors go take a nice vacation and a pina colada and they get a giftcard in the shape of a key #########
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I mean yes I agree and I dont think ur an ######### for lowranking or whatever but the thing is playing killer requires a whole mentality, Ill try but thing is playing killer sets this pressure on me that I just dont feel as survivor
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I get called a camper and tunneler quite often. Usually the issue is I see a survivor/scratch marks but sometimes I use pop and then come back. That strategy interrupts 3 survivors more often than not. If I down the person who came off hook, I slug them. Map pressure doesn’t come easy. Is it fun? not particularly. I enjoy a good chase like everyone else but I get high ranking survivors who don’t make a lot of mistakes and the other 3 are crushing gens so the only balance is map pressure. TBH honest if I see a team dropping a pallet and sprinting for the infinite in 2 chases. I’m just gonna DC. Y’all don’t need any extra blood points from me. I’m not having fun, I’m out. Ironworks, coal tower, disturbed ward, long wall jungle gyms on every coldwind and red forest, main buildings on cowshed and rancid. Abuse them constantly and GG. I don’t need to give you 5k for escaping, 3k for chases and 3 more gens of objective points. you can play generator simulator with someone else.
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Camping and especially tunneling are not only valid but required in some situations. Same with slugging. Its a problem with game design that im not sure can even be fixed at this point That's why i said ######### it
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Being kill now sucks reallly bad! I dont camp i do a bit of "tunneling" if they unhook on my face...but danmmmm one 10 sec chace 2 gens. (Playing trapper) then the other chace game ovee.