Question about the Lunar New Year Event

So I just read the blogpost about this years Lunar Event and there will be a new collection releasing to the store, as well as a sale on last years cosmetic collection.
My question is will cosmetics from the Howling Grounds Cosmetics also be for sale? Or will those be earnable in the rift? I really want the Lunar Jacket for David and am willing to pay or grind for it.
No. Those are event exclusives from years ago that can't/should never be purchase able or earn able again.
More exclusives are coming though from today until feb 8th for dwight, nea and trapper.
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David's jacket and Hutress' mask won't be available, they promised to give it people back who lost it, but that's it.
Also Dwight's cap, Nea's shirt and Hillbilly's hammer seem to be exclusive like those two cosmetics mentioned above, but we don't know yet.
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Why shouldn’t they be able to be purchasable or earnable again when all other event cosmetics are? What makes these cosmetics so special?
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They never were purchasable during the respective event, unlike the blight cosmetics/moon rise cosmetics
They wanted to release them with the other exclusives but people complained so it stays exclusive.
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So just because you couldn’t purchase them in the past means you should never be allowed to purchase them in the future? But also what’s wrong with making them earnable during this event?
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well, they made the latest blight cosmetics purchaseable before the event even started. If they can make money with it, rules can be bended
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Its something people had to grind for in the past. Its like asking why don't they sell/let people earn legacy again?
New skins have always been in the store so the rules are different they have no meaning. The jacket and hound mask have meaning only people that were there have them.
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Are you really comparing event cosmetics to legacy? If you think the grind there is in any way comparable then I don’t know what to say. Legacy was a whole other level of grind that would be impossible to replicate now which is why they deserve to remain exclusive.
Why is it fair that I’ve had to grind during other events to unlock my cosmetics and yet they are in the store to buy, but these ones stay exclusive forever? (I personally do not care you can buy them but I’m just making a point.) So again, why should these cosmetics in particular be so special that they should never be able to be purchased/earned again? Why should they “have more meaning”?
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It was stated that the cosmetics will stay in the shop unlike the howling grounds outfits, which came out before the store, and the kate top and hillbilly hammer.
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Again just because the events happened before the release of the store doesn’t mean they can’t be put into the store now. Either that or put them into the rift.
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They wanted release them for free with all the other cosmetics, but didn't because people complained, they also will give it back to people that lost it. You may not understand that but some people care about them and worked for it, even tho the grind wasn't that big, it's still an achievement for some people.
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Okay but I’m not asking for them for free....
Let me ask you this: how does giving others the ability to earn something that you earned take anything away from you? Again... you guys aren’t answering my question. What makes these cosmetics more special than other event cosmetics?
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Their exclusivity does
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What makes these cosmetics special? They were earned in 2018. When players see someone wearing them, they know they've played since then.
If you were able to earn them in 2020, players probably wouldn't think much. 'Oh their wearing a cosmetic available last week...'.
It loses its value. Just like the other exclusives recently released for everyone that has played the game for 2 seconds.
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Do we really have to rehash this yet again? The devs have made their decision. Move on.
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But why do they deserve to stay exclusive?
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The devs themselves said they want to do away with exclusives, and this would be a perfectly fair way to allow others to access them. It’s sad you guys really have this big of an issue with it when it doesn’t effect you in the slightest.
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The same thing that makes legacy special.
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No. Not at all the same. Not even close. Read my post above if ya wanna know why. Y’all are really trying to make it seem like you went thought hell and back for these but they were not difficult at all to earn. Let others earn them too.
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They weren't difficult to earn like legacy was, but lots of people grinded for them for the same reason people grinded for legacy. Because they were limited time cosmetics.
Releasing them now in any form would nullify the fact that people earned them in 2018. Same as releasing legacy now would nullify the fact that people earned legacy in 2016.
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What about the cosmetics I’ve grinded for? Why is it fair that those don’t remain exclusive? Either all event cosmetics should be exclusive or none should. I obviously want the latter and the devs said they want it too, so it would be nice if they showed that.
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It is fair because they were announced to stay in store.
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Then so should the other ones imo. Things shouldn’t be exclusive unless there’s a really good reason for it (aka legacy).