Thank you devs

Thanks to the changes made from the PTB new Doc feels like actuall threat and he's sooo much more satisfying to play as. New Oni flick is finally useable without litterally throwing your mouse out of the window as you try to turn and since I never used ruin much (which still doesn't make the changes justified) I'm not all that impacted by it's change.
So thank you and I hope that Leatherface is next on the line for positive changes like these were for Doc and Oni.
Is the doctor at a better spot than he was before?
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I'd rank him now slightly below Freddy tier. His shock is really good now and I'm not Doc main either paired with the Static blast you always have someone to chase + decent disruption potenctial. Pity he can't have mobility since that would put him on Spirit tier of good imao.
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From the gameplay I see, I like the Doctor. Haven't been able to test him out yet though.
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Agreed, I believe he is a better killer overall, but he's less annoying to play for the survivors. Win, win. Next up on the wish-list, better queue times!!
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Ruin always suck
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What Rank are you? I’ve looped P3 doctor’s for 3-5 gens in various games and on various maps now. Keep in mind this is at Rank 1.
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Yes, it's easy for survivors to snap out of madness now but overall I find him a lot more annoying now.
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It was likely a bad doctor player then
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I haven't tried it yet, but the changes to Doc definitely sounded good! I think it's silly that people freaked out and called it a nerf when they heard the devs were changing him. He seems a lot better now.
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No they weren’t, they played well they just went up a 4000 hour player.
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For Killer it is, for survivor lmaoo
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It doesn't matter how good you are, if they were good, they would have left after they knew you weren't going down in 30 seconds.
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Happens to all killers. You can’t choose which optimal survivor to chase if they’re all the same skill level.