You should never de-pip when you escape or 3/4K.
I did three gens in this game, didn’t unhook because I didn’t have BT and the killer was camping the same guy all game, someone else would BT save him and the Doc would focus him down. He killed another guy with noed and I barely escaped, he only chased one guy so I had no opportunity to get chased.
You should never de-pip from escaping or killing 3 or 4 survivors. Also, it really sucks that this green rank Doc had to go against red and purple survivors.
I disagree. If you do not contribute properly to the entity's feast why would it reward you.
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GENRUSH = NO PIP @ red and purple ranks. Deal with it
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How can I control the game putting me against a green rank killer? Not everything is about lore. I’m not asking for a pip but just not to de-pip, that isn’t rewarding me, just not punishing me.
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I hope they revisit the emblem system...
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I won’t deal with it, I’ll keep making threads until it gets fixed.
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I guess that would be reasomable, but isn't ranking up easy enough for survivors? For killers depipping could be impossible with a 3k or 4k but then moris would have no downside.
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Even if it’s easy, I just think it’s dumb to lose a pip because of matchmaking or just a killer not preforming well enough.
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Yes I guess if matchmaking screws up the players should have a safety net? That would be a nice bandaid.
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Actually, you should.
If you face camped and did not engage the game, you should depip vs decent survivors.
If you played super immersed and did not engage the objective, killer, or other survivors much, you will and should likely depip.
Had a match earlier where the only survivor to escape was a Laurie who UE'd all over the map. She did a couple totems and one gen, but mostly sat hidden. She ended with an escape and less than 10k points. How do you do that?! Oh, all 5 gens were done, and another player got the door open before being downed. She left and he died on his only hook.
Yep, you should depip if you did not do enough in the game. I'm good with that. (Not saying YOU in particular OP, just a generic "you".)
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That's nonsense, based solely on the fact that the opposing side can literally control your ability to pip.
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Well if they could that might mean the pipping system is flawed. Can't say I disagree with you though.
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Agreed. A black pip isn't rewarding either, but an escape should guarantee a black pip in my opnion. Not every game you have the opportunity to do all the gens, run the killer, heal other survivors, and get more then one unhook. It's just not that realistic.
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For once I agree with you. Escaping should always at least net a black pip for survivors, and a 2k or more should always at baseline black pip the killer.
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If you either hung around the killer a bit more or never went down you would have pipped. If he was camping then you could easily run in start a chase and run out a few times to boost your Evader, as he wouldn't commit to a chase on you.
Also if you do 3 gens that is 300 points on Lightbringer. Iri LB is 270 points. So if you actually did 3 gens you would have iri LB and thus safety pip. If you were sharing gens then you didn't do 3 gens, you did about 2.5 gens at best.
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I did them with help and not in full, so to correct myself, I did one gen and helped with over half of two. I had to go down since someone lead the killer to me and I got downed right in the gate.
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Also, if I have to play dumb to pip then that already shows how emblems need fixed.
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It's not playing dumb though. Just bait the killer to chase you a handful of times and boost Evader. You could easily do this and get yourself silver Evader.
Alternatively you could take a hit maybe lure the killer away from the hook.
It's really not that hard to gen rush AND pip at red ranks. I'm rank 1 I do it all the time. You just have to take some risks.
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I’m rank 1 too mate, it is indeed playing dumb to stay near the hook against a camping doc who obviously isn’t gonna hit you, I should be doing a gen and not wasting time, I can’t save my teammate without BT against a dedicated camper.
If you’re punished for playing optimally then the pip system is flawed.
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Mori's count as a regular sacrifice. Problem is most people Mori off first hooking so you effectively screw yourself. It's been brought up before and proven in another thread.
Swear this isn't the first thread you have made about this Groot.
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That would be spamming.
Tone aside, he's absolutely right: gen rushing is a very unhealthy way to play the game - note that I'm not saying that you gen rush (nor that you aren't, though :P), but your hypothetical pip rework would just be an incentive to this.
..and that's not to mention a fully immersed survivor that did nothing but managed to escape through the hatch as the last alive survivor.
Exactly as face camping one survivor and getting another with NOED (2K) as a killer, you deserve to depip (I know that you said 3-4k, but if the game is balanced on 2K, that should be the threshold).
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Yes you can, it's called a trade. Which is a risk. Run in, bait a hit, rip them off the hook. If you do it perfectly then you should get the unhook while still healthy and you can take a hit for the guy you just saved. If they get away that's gold Benevolence and you bought the entire group more time. Maybe the guy on the hook has DS. Maybe he runs to a god loop. Maybe the killer decides to chase you thinking you gave the guy BT or they have DS.
It can be done dude. If it's a Bubba doing it I could understand, but pretty much any other killer it's possible to trade and make the save without BT. I've been playing without BT the last few weeks and I can confirm it is possible.
Alternatively, if you are so convinced you CANNOT make the save then don't do gens with another survivor. Find a gen and do it solo. Hog the gates, do a few totems too. You can get iri LB in these situations.