Well. It's happened

The ruin nerf went live last night. I managed to play three survivor games and Jesus Christ...it took 5 mins to find the first game, not bad at all pretty decent, it took 9 minutes to find the next game, bit long but I can handle it until it took 13 minutes and we didn't even find a game and I had to go off. Killers, such as myself, are dipping left and right it's taking as long as old F13 used to to find a game. And when you do find a game it's, patrolling, camping, tunneling left and right. BHVR have actually made their game into a pile of garbage for killers so quickly it's astounding
By your own logic you should be happy with the change, if killers really feel THAT dependend on it, then clearly something is wrong with it.
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There is a reason to it, its extreamly frustrating if 3 gens already pop after you downded your first survivor. 60% of the objective is done of the survivors while you got your first hook out of 12 hooks. That is crealy not a balanced gameplay between two sides even though if they are asymmetrical.
I am not telling I relie on ruin, I never used it on Legion, Wraith, Spirit, Nurse or Billy and never had that much issues but I can definatly understand ppl complaining about the change.
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The issue wasn't ruin. The issue was the ability for certain killers to apply map pressure. You try applying adequate map pressure on Mother's Dwelling with Trapper or Myers. 2 gens can literally be done by the time you simply walk from one end of the map to the other.
Your mentality is like that of the devs. It's flawed in that they looked at it and said "80% of killers use this, its probably OP and needs a nerf", instead of doing the correct thing and researching why it was so widely used.