New oni

Is nobody gonna talk about how amazing Oni is now that they fixed his turn speed while using his demon dash attack? You can damn near 360 in one spot while charging it up now. I loved Oni and his design and the idea behind him but didn't play him cause he seemed impossible. I've been playing him all day now and he definitely is a killer now that can keep map pressure with the ruin changes and everything else going on.
It's still vert sluggish on console but at least the attack goes where it's supposed to and it's possible to aim withing reason. They can still dodge it by taking literally one step to the left but at least it's minimally functional now.
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@Eye66 I've not really had an sluggish issues with it. It's been extremely fluid for me personally. I'm mostly just happy he can be played how he should've been all along. I'm still trying to figure out a good perk set for him cause I'm not really that versed in killer perks.
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I've been playing Oni for the past week and with this buff he feels amazing to play. Console is a bit of a struggle but once you learn how to use him he's absolutely nasty due to his great snowball potential.
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I have been enjoying oni also. I do personally wish that he could turn a little more, but for now,ni will be happy with him as is.