So when are devs going to buff some of the trash perks no one uses?

Monsterous shrine, cruel limits, mind breaker, slippery meat, babysitter, predator, boil over, buckle up... just to name a few. There are plenty more. There are so many trash perks it's ridiculous. This is why the same perks are used every match because there are only a handful of good ones that are useful, the rest are trash. Youd be just as well off not using any perks at all. So instead of nerfing perks that are actually useful how about focusing on the ones that aren't? Probably make a lot less players angry that way.


  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    That would be too strong without any counterplay. But I liked the old Preditor more... where it was lightweight for Killers. Scratch marks lasts 3 sec longer, I actually dont know why the devs changed that xD. The new preditor is even a downside to you, because scratch marks are not that often on walls or trees anymore what takes alot of map awareness away.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    @Sasori_puppet version would work with a condition, i.e. after hooking a survivor/breaking a gen etc all survivor movement leaves scratch marks for X seconds